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State: Too many struggling readers advance to 4th grade

Indiana Department of Education has presented statewide data showing that thousands of Indiana students are advancing to fourth grade each year without foundational reading skills. In 2023, 81.9% of Hoosier third graders showed proficiency on the IREAD-3 test. “First students learn to read, and then they read to learn,” said Katie Jenner, Indiana Secretary of […]

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RCS approves new teacher contract

Richmond Community Schools’ board unanimously ratified a new teacher master contract, but one board member felt he needed to place his concerns about the district’s future financial obligations on the public record. During the 8-minute special meeting on Nov. 27, board members John Weber and Aaron Stevens thanked representatives from Richmond Education Association, administration and […]

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Election board assesses $25 fines

Four of Wayne County’s November election candidates missed a campaign finance report deadline by a few minutes or hours. Separately, a candidate’s relative gave a ride to a voter needing mobility assistance but parked too close to the polling site while in a vehicle with a magnetic sign featuring the candidate’s image and name. Wayne […]

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Giving spirit provides joy at holidays

Although charities always welcome donations, December is a time when many organizations and volunteers especially aim to help bring joy to their communities. Here are a few of those local giving opportunities in the coming weeks:  Love Baskets Nonperishable foods can be delivered to Lincoln High School, Lincoln Middle School and Western Wayne Elementary School. […]

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‘Peter Pan’ flies into area

During a season of wishes and magic, Richmond Civic Theatre’s Stage One Youth Theatre presents “Peter Pan Jr.” The show opens Friday, Dec. 8, and will be offered at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays-Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays between Dec. 8-10 and 14-17. It’s approximately 60 minutes. In advance, tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for […]

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Schools working on backup communications

After an extended power outage disrupted a recent school day, Centerville-Abington Community Schools wants to be better prepared for communication if a similar situation arises again. CACS officials are working on an information technology infrastructure power availability improvement plan, board members learned at their Nov. 29 meeting. They realized they had a backup power issue […]

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Public can comment on IDEM permit requests

Indiana Department of Environmental Management welcomes public comment through mid-December regarding several permit renewal applications, the impact of interstate improvements, and a request from a new business in Cambridge City. In Wayne County, petitioners include Indiana Department of Transportation, Pilgrimage Winery in Cambridge City, Indiana Municipal Power Agency (IMPA)’s Whitewater Valley Generating Station and Richmond […]