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Bills could negatively impact paving funds, I-70 businesses

Centerville officials are concerned about the possibilities of Interstate 70 becoming a toll road and changes in how towns qualify for local paving funds. Road discussion Council President Dan Wandersee monitors legislation going through Indiana General Assembly before its session ends in April. During council’s Jan. 28 work session, he asked those attending to contact […]

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Most local grad rates between 90-100%

Nearly all Wayne County high schools neared or exceeded a 90% graduation rate for the Class of 2024. Three local schools surpassed Indiana’s average of 90.23%, which is the highest graduation rate since state officials began publishing data. Indiana’s rate was 88.98% in 2023.  Centerville Senior High School Principal Brian Bellew said rates can vary widely […]

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CACS adds grad paths, addresses weather

Centerville-Abington Community Schools board members learned about new graduation pathways through a medical training school and administrators’ criteria for weather-related delays or cancellations.  Graduation pathways The board approved a memorandum of understanding with KLR Medical Certification Training School to help CACS meet Indiana’s new diploma requirements.  Superintendent Mike McCoy and Director of Student Learning Tammy […]

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Northeastern school board eager for new reading texts

Inspired by a presentation by two Northeastern Wayne educators, school board members enthusiastically expanded the purchase of new reading textbooks to an additional grade level. During the board’s Jan. 22 meeting, Tierney Stevenson, elementary principal, and Teresa Ervin, literacy coach, requested a purchase of textbooks for kindergarten through second grades for next fall and expanding […]

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County’s housing ‘accelerator’ program launches

Housing developers are getting a new tool to use to increase housing stock.  The Housing Accelerator Program, announced by Economic Development Corp. of Wayne County, will provide grants, with a maximum of $250,000 per project, to support public infrastructure projects in existing, unfinished, platted subdivisions.  On Jan. 17, EDC staff announced that applications are now […]

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New ways to give for warming center

Although donors recently fulfilled all items on the Emergency Warming Center’s online wish list, a new website is accepting financial donations and meal donations are being scheduled.  A Givebutter account has been created for financial gifts. Givebutter provides fundraising tools for national nonprofits such as Boys & Girls Clubs of America, United Way and Special […]