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Schools working on backup communications

After an extended power outage disrupted a recent school day, Centerville-Abington Community Schools wants to be better prepared for communication if a similar situation arises again. CACS officials are working on an information technology infrastructure power availability improvement plan, board members learned at their Nov. 29 meeting. They realized they had a backup power issue […]

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Public can comment on IDEM permit requests

Indiana Department of Environmental Management welcomes public comment through mid-December regarding several permit renewal applications, the impact of interstate improvements, and a request from a new business in Cambridge City. In Wayne County, petitioners include Indiana Department of Transportation, Pilgrimage Winery in Cambridge City, Indiana Municipal Power Agency (IMPA)’s Whitewater Valley Generating Station and Richmond […]

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Crowd sounds off on educator, union leader suspension

Although no one spoke during Richmond Community Schools’ public hearing regarding a tentative agreement reached with Richmond Education Association, the board heard from additional unhappy constituents regarding the union leader’s paid administrative leave. During the board’s Nov. 20 meeting, Jamie Bolser, who oversees RCS finances and human resources, summarized the 2023-25 master contract to be […]

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Green light given for speed devices, eclipse camping

Cambridge City’s council gave preliminary support for two speed-monitoring devices around town, fundraising for a performance venue and renting camping spaces next April.  Wayne County Foundation gave Cambridge City Main Street $11,000 toward several desired initiatives, such as wayfarer signs, billboards and website improvements. With police support, CCMS proposes buying two speed-deterring devices like those […]

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Town signage, reptile housing, murals among $212K in grant projects

Twenty-one organizations have received funding for projects around Wayne County, ranging from additional food for the hungry to adult day care scholarships and removal of dead trees. Wayne County Foundation has announced the recipients receiving a share of $212,626 through Grant Cycle III and other third-quarter opportunities. Some of the grants support projects in individual […]