Cambridge City Chamber of Commerce plans to add to its veterans banner collection and take it westward along U.S. 40 in Dublin this year.
Western Wayne residents who are currently or formerly in the military are eligible for a banner featuring their photo, name, branch, rank and service era.
Applications are due May 1 so banners may be hung around Memorial Day.

The 36-by-24-inch vinyl banners and the mounting hardware are each $90.
Honorees or their families are encouraged to purchase their banner and hardware, although sponsorships are being sought to make them available to those who can’t afford the full cost. Payments or requests for assistance are due at the time of the order.
Applications are available at Cambridge City’s town hall, Golay Community Center and American Legion Post 169.
Applications should include a large photo (preferably 8×10) and a copy of the veteran’s DD214 form, which is available from the Legion for past or active members.
Donations may be sent in care of Cambridge City Chamber of Commerce Veterans Banner Project to P.O. Box 206, Cambridge City, IN 47327, or delivered to First Bank Richmond’s Cambridge City branch.
The opportunities for banners to be hung in Cambridge City are limited.
Those with banners currently hanging in Cambridge City can ask for them to be relocated to Dublin. Relocation requests should be sent to Jama Carpenter via text at 765-960-5814.
A version of this article appeared in the April 24 2024 print edition of the Western Wayne News.