The Indiana Department of Transportation plans to install Wayne County’s first roundabouts. Two roundabouts are included in the new-look Interstate 70 interchange with U.S. 40 on Richmond’s east side. That reconstruction is part of the Revive I-70 project that will impact I-70 throughout its 20-plus miles in Wayne County, then extend to Indianapolis. INDOT representatives […]
Local news and updates from Wayne County, Indiana reportersCenterville
Centerville, Indiana is a town in Center Township, Wayne County that describes itself as “an American town in the heart of the midwest.” Famous for its antique shopping and as home of the annual Archway Days festival, Centerville is fun to visit, beautiful to live in and easy to get to from US 40 or via interstate 70.
The Western Wayne News covers updates from Centerville’s Town Council as well as Centerville-Abington Community Schools and their sports teams. Read below for the latest articles, meeting coverage, government activities and education news by our local reporting team.
CACS board welcomes new special education teacher
Centerville-Abington Community Schools conducted a special meeting Aug. 2 to finalize hires, bus driver contracts and other remaining items before schools open. Superintendent Mike McCoy introduced Daniel Addington as a new special education teacher at Centerville Senior High School. The board also approved these personnel changes: Pending hires: Ciara Hanes, junior high Bulldog Connections Lab; […]
Symphony plans 3 free outdoor concerts
Three free concerts are taking place in August and September in what Richmond Symphony Orchestra calls some of Wayne County’s most treasured outdoor spaces. The early Wednesday evening concerts in RSO’s Sunset Series are family friendly, and all ages are welcome to attend. Reservations are requested via phone or online to help attendees stay informed […]
Delayed start confirmed at Rose Hamilton; damage details shared
August 9 update Rose Hamilton staff will conduct a transportation and childcare registration event from 5-6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 10, at Centerville-Abington Elementary, 200 W. South St., Centerville. Participants should park in the south parking lot, between the football field and the elementary school, and use the south doors. Families can pick up bus lanyards […]
Centerville teen organizes park prayer event
It’s rare for teens to attend Centerville council work sessions, and even rarer to hear them ask for permission to organize an event. However, that’s what Krista Smith, a Centerville Senior High School senior, did July 25. Smith requested the use of Maplewood Park’s stage at 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 6, to offer a prayer […]
Accountant: Stash money in Rainy Day Fund
Centerville’s finances are generally on solid footing and town officials should consider transferring money to their Rainy Day Fund and/or plan for one-time purchases because reserves are high, an accountant said. Upon council’s request, Paige Sansone of Indianapolis-based Baker Tilly municipal advisers provided a 41-page comprehensive financial plan that analyzed various town funds and showed […]
Eclipse plans, lunch fees among school topics
Centerville-Abington Community Schools leaders will attend a community eclipse planning meeting to learn more about what other Wayne County school districts, businesses and organizations are doing. The meeting, coordinated by the county’s eclipse task force and tourism bureau, was to start at 9 a.m. July 19 at Indiana University East. Knowledge of additional happenings on […]
Centerville won’t add temporary stop signs
Centerville’s council declined to install temporary stop signs where a detour is sending more traffic, believing the change could cause more harm than good. Town Manager Kevin Slick noted a resident’s request for stop signs at College Corner and McMinn roads. More traffic flows on College Corner while the state is rebuilding a U.S. 40 […]
Candidates filing for fall election
More candidates are throwing their hats into the ring for upcoming town and city elections. Richmond now has an independent candidate who has obtained enough signatures to file for mayor. Howard J. Price will face Republican Ron Oler and Democrat Dave Snow. Any other candidates wishing to run as independents or for minor parties in […]
New voices to answer Centerville’s after-hours utility calls
Centerville’s town council is making alternate plans for how its after-hours, nonemergency utility calls will be answered as of July 1. Wayne County Emergency Communications dispatchers currently answer those calls, but Director Matthew Cain said the operations board asked the town to find another solution. Dispatchers are receiving an increasing number of non-emergency calls, particularly […]