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Health department: Cambridge City food handler diagnosed with hepatitis A, vaccine encouraged for Aug. 17-21 patrons

Those who ate at No. 9 Grill between Aug. 17-21 should get a hepatitis A vaccination by Tuesday, according to Wayne County Health Department officials. In a news release issued Friday evening, the health department said a case of hepatitis A has been diagnosed in an employee who handled food at the restaurant, 27 W. […]

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Missing Cambridge City man returned home safely

By Millicent Martin Emery Wayne County Sheriff Jeff Cappa confirmed shortly before noon Saturday that a Cambridge City man whose disappearance triggered a Silver Alert has been returned home safely. On Friday, a statewide Silver Alert was declared because the Wayne County Sheriff’s Department was investigating the disappearance of Michael A. Null. Null is a […]

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General Meredith Gets a Facelift

By Millicent Martin Emery Cambridge City’s tallest “resident” has just received a makeover. A statue of Solomon Meredith has looked over Riverside Cemetery for more than 100 years, and thanks to donations from Civil War buffs around the state and nation, his monument was carefully restored in late May. The cleaning project was overseen by […]

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DAR National Old Trails Chapter Announces Good Citizens

Supplied The DAR National Old Trails Chapter oversees the Good Citizens Award competitions for Lincoln, Hagerstown, and Centerville school districts. The DAR Good Citizen program is open to all high school seniors enrolled in public or private schools. Winners demonstrate leadership, dependability, service, and patriotism in their home, school and community. Seth Morris is from […]