Within a few hours of its unexpected delivery, a new donation to the Wayne County Historical Museum has already prompted more questions than answers. The museum announced May 22 that it received an unusual package that was left at its back gate. No contact information was provided to identify the donor, and security camera footage […]

Author Archives: Millie Martin Emery
Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.
‘It was the welcome home we didn’t get’
Two western Wayne County veterans whose daughters were classmates didn’t realize they were both traveling on the 39th Indy Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. until the day before their journey. That was the first surprise of many on the action-packed trip Larry Gumm and Jerry Doddridge took Saturday, May 20. Their sightseeing experience in the […]
Veterans organizing Memorial Day weekend services
Veterans and community organizations have planned several Memorial Day weekend tributes and special events around the area that are open to the public. Beyond attending services, American Legion leaders also encourage residents to examine their flags and replace them if they’re tattered. Veterans’ organizations will accept old flags for proper disposal. Saturday, May 27 Crown […]
RCS approves teacher stipends
Facing district teacher turnover averaging 25% and as high as 50% in some schools, Richmond Community Schools has approved a plan to improve teacher retention using two types of supplemental payments. One teacher group says the process didn’t follow proper protocol. First, all RCS teachers rated as highly effective or effective on this year’s evaluation […]
Centerville veterans parade and celebration
A parade and celebration honored military veterans Saturday in Centerville. Vehicles of all kinds with flags waving passed appreciative observers along East Main Street. Photos by Millie Martin Emery Then, veterans were recognized during a ceremony at Maplewood Park.
County could target top death causes with new funds
Wayne County might receive more funding to combat top causes of death for local residents. Indiana General Assembly approved additional public health support starting next year. Christine Stinson, Wayne County Health Department’s executive director, told commissioners at their May 10 meeting that the county’s second-lowest life expectancy, poverty and other factors means it qualifies for […]
Knight wins top prize in high school art show
Northeastern High School has earned bragging rights in the local art scene. The Knights get to display a traveling artist’s palette trophy because a Northeastern junior, Alivia Bleil, won Best of Show in the 17th Annual All Wayne County High School Art Exhibition. Richmond Art Museum organizes the annual show, which continues through Saturday, May […]
Town could raise sewage billing charge
Because its fee hasn’t increased in 10 years, Cambridge City might charge more to bill Western Wayne Regional Sewage District customers each month. Deputy Clerk Glendora Pitcock sends about 900 bills per month, Clerk-Treasurer Sherry Ervin told town council at its May 8 meeting. WWRSD pays the town $2.29 per bill ($2,063 monthly). Postcards each […]
Council OKs $55K search for lead pipes
Centerville’s council authorized a $55,800 study of the town’s water system to find lead pipes and discussed implementing an extra $125 fee for property owners if lawns aren’t maintained. Water lines During its May 9 meeting, council unanimously approved a proposal from Lochmueller Group to conduct Phase 1 of a lead line inventory before an […]
Free textbooks could pose challenges for schools
After Indiana’s legislature voted to cover textbook/curriculum costs for students, schools are determining if their materials fit within that cost, and what fees families might pay, if any. At the school board’s May 10 meeting, Centerville-Abington Community Schools’ building principals shared any Fall 2023 curriculum changes. Administrators are examining if what the state is providing […]