From math remediation to more rigorous curriculum, Centerville-Abington Community School principals provided several updates about their buildings during the Aug. 23 school board meeting. Sam Pritchard said Rose Hamilton Elementary teachers are focused on boosting phonics instruction, which instructional coach Mika Frame is leading, and collaboration is taking place with Indiana University East for a […]

Author Archives: Millie Martin Emery
Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.
Challenger stymies Milton clerk’s bid
About 50 Milton voters participated in a town convention, and a majority chose a new candidate over Milton’s current clerk-treasurer for another term. Because two Republicans filed to run for clerk-treasurer and six Republicans filed for five at-large council seats to be on Milton’s ballot in the fall election, state law required the party conduct […]
Butterfly release raising money for A Better Way
Butterflies can symbolize hope, courage and personal transformation, and a butterfly release will take place in September to help provide those services to hundreds of local residents. A Better Way, formerly known as Genesis, offers a variety of services for Wayne and surrounding counties who’ve experienced domestic or dating violence or sexual assault. A Better […]
Free drug can reverse opioid overdoses
As two local Overdose Awareness Days observances approach, local health officials encourage residents to pick up free doses of a life-saving medication from no-questions-asked boxes and a vending machine. Naloxone, perhaps more widely recognized by a brand name, Narcan, is used to rapidly reverse known or suspected opioid overdoses. No prescription is needed. “Please carry […]
Neighborhood joins Indiana’s endangered list
It’s not a list you want your neighborhood to be on, but joining it could draw attention and resources to make things better. Richmond’s Starr Historic District has been added to the “10 Most Endangered” list of Hoosier landmarks in jeopardy, compiled annually by Indiana Landmarks, an Indianapolis-based nonprofit preservation organization. The district, on Richmond’s […]
Some Canal Days deadlines approach
Registration deadlines are nearing for some opportunities connected with Cambridge City’s annual Canal Days festival, which takes place Sept. 9-10. Registration forms, available at, also are due Sept. 1 for festival vendors as well as parade entries. Applications and booth rental fees may be delivered to Tamra Davis at Golay Community Center or Beth […]
Centerville celebrates 35th Archway Days
Archway Days organizers say their 35th festival will be Centerville’s largest in many years. One example of that spirit: More than 100 vendors have registered for the event in Maplewood Park taking place from 3-11 p.m. Friday, Aug. 25, and 9 a.m.-11 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 26. Booths will offer handmade items and crafts, food and […]
Cambridge councilors raise blight, park alcohol concerns
Cambridge City council members are showing an increased frustration with blighted homes and yards, but are grateful for a large donation toward a restoration project. During their Aug. 14 council meeting, councilors asked Ken Risch, public works superintendent, for updates on residents’ complaints. An owner in the first block of East Main hired someone to […]
Bridge honors suffrage leader
A physician who paved the way for later generations of Wayne County women now will be recognized through the naming of a highly traveled bridge. Area residents are invited at 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 26, to watch the christening of the Dr. Mary F. Thomas Bridge at South West First and Main streets, just west […]
Milton clerk candidate remains on ballot for convention
Despite a challenge to one candidacy, Wayne County’s election board voted to allow two candidates to run for Milton clerk-treasurer. The election board met Friday, Aug. 18, to hear a challenge to Amy Suzanne Smith’s candidacy. Smith filed to run against Milton’s incumbent clerk, Terry Craig, who also is a Republican. The challenge, which was […]