Some residents in Northeastern Wayne Schools’ district might not pay any extra taxes for repairs to its high school because they’ve already reached their property tax caps. During its May 29 meeting, school officials and their advisers outlined the need for repairing masonry, its costs and using a bond to pay for the work. No […]

Author Archives: Millie Martin Emery
Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.
9 receiving awards from Townsend Community Center Inc.
Townsend Community Center Inc. will recognize nine local individuals and businesses at its annual honors and awards dinner. Townsend leaders say they believe the recipients are overlooked for the amazing contributions they make to the community. This year’s theme is “Regeneration: Rising from the Ashes.” The gathering will take place at 6 p.m. Saturday, June […]
Free kids’ meals available
Several school districts and parks will offer a variety of free summer meals for toddlers as well as high schoolers. Children can receive meals at any participating location and no applications are required. They also can receive meals even if their families qualify for the new SUN Bucks grocery funds. Here’s a look at some […]
Volunteers bring new energy to Dublin skating rink
Joyful shouts and laughter blend with upbeat music as some kids roll quickly and some slowly find their footing on Dublin Community Club’s skating rink. In May, committed volunteers just completed their season of weekly Friday and Saturday night open skates to provide local kids with a supervised place for fun. However, those volunteers aren’t […]
Cat spay-neuter clinic will make area stops
A nonprofit mobile cat spay-neuter clinic will visit Liberty on May 31, Rushville on June 2, New Trenton (Franklin County) on June 7 and Connersville on June 8. Appointments are available from Public Vet with a $10 deposit. Those needing financial assistance are encouraged to apply at before making an appointment. Organizers say “great” […]
School questions new diploma plan
Northeastern Wayne Schools wants to learn more about how Indiana’s two proposed diploma options might affect academics, student opportunities and district finances. Administrators and board members encourage stakeholders to learn more too, then share comments with state officials soon. During NWS’ May 22 school board meeting, Superintendent Matthew Hicks said the new requirements are in […]
Preschool growth requires traffic update
Although school officials look forward to expanding preschool at Rose Hamilton Elementary this fall, they’re now discussing whether increased traffic will pose an added challenge. At Centerville-Abington Community Schools’ May 22 board meeting, member Todd Dooley asked about the impact of additional families on traffic at the school. Dooley suggested adding another route around the […]
4 playground campaigns meet goals; 1 remains
Four local park fundraising campaigns have met their $50,000 goal to receive a $50,000 state match, and one more remains. Dublin has raised $50,190 to improve Wilson Park. The goal was reached days before its May 25 deadline. Funds will provide new Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant ground surface for the current playground equipment purchased in […]
Retiree spent 50 years in schools
Western Wayne Schools is saying goodbye to three retirees, one of whom has worked 50 years for the district. Colleagues, friends, family and students stopped by an after-school open house May 21 to wish them well. Beth Bowman After 22 years and many concerts at WWS, choral director Beth Bowman is stepping down. Before joining […]
2 RCS administrators departing
Several personnel changes are taking place at Richmond Community Schools’ Central Office. During its May 22 meeting, the board approved the resignations of Brenten Baker, chief of elementary education, and Mark Fowler, chief of secondary education. Both departures are effective June 30. Baker joined RCS in July 2022 as director of student achievement, bringing more […]