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Museum to open Burton exhibit

Those who knew Seara Burton say she cared about children, history and the north side Richmond neighborhood she patrolled. Thus, Wayne County Historical Museum staff say they are honored to open a new permanent exhibit honoring the late Richmond Police Department K9 officer and her contributions to the community. The display, called “Seara Burton Legacy […]

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RCS begins search for board member

Richmond Community Schools soon will begin the search for a board member after one is returning to work for the district. Stacy Mopps, who served as RCS’ chief human resources officer from 2019-2021 after serving as a Test Intermediate School principal and science teacher, is returning to Central Office as a human resources officer as […]

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Accountant: Stash money in Rainy Day Fund

Centerville’s finances are generally on solid footing and town officials should consider transferring money to their Rainy Day Fund and/or plan for one-time purchases because reserves are high, an accountant said. Upon council’s request, Paige Sansone of Indianapolis-based Baker Tilly municipal advisers provided a 41-page comprehensive financial plan that analyzed various town funds and showed […]