Two Wayne County leaders in health care and industry — and one organization helping girls succeed — soon will be honored at a dinner. After reviewing nominations, Wayne Bank and Indiana University East have announced this year’s Athena winners. Sharrie Harlin has earned the Athena Leadership Award and Paige Crosset is the Young Professional. Girls […]

Author Archives: Millie Martin Emery
Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.
Museum fills galleries from floor to ceiling
Richmond Art Museum staff had fun digging through the museum’s permanent collection and had some tough decisions to make as they picked what to bring out for a summer display. The show “From the Vault: A Salon Style Exhibition of RAM Permanent Collection” is open for viewing through July 27. A total of 224 works […]
Local lawmakers highlight new laws
Wayne County’s lawmakers helped write or champion several new state laws during the 2024 legislative session that took effect July 1. State Rep. Brad Barrett (R-Richmond) notes the law he wrote that curbs surprise ambulance bills. The retired surgeon said more Hoosiers will soon be protected from surprise bills from out-of-network ambulance providers. Health insurance […]
Centerville invests $125K in utility equipment
Centerville town council approved some large purchases for water, wastewater and electrical services. At its June 25 work session, council authorized Town Manager Kevin Slick to spend a total of $124,950 through several 4-0 votes. Councilor David Cate was absent. The largest purchase, $68,950, was for the wastewater plant to upgrade its computer system for […]
Supremely talented freshman wins at Wayne County 4-H Fair
The future appears bright for youth working with livestock in Wayne County 4-H. This year’s Supreme Showmanship winner, who earned the highest score for showing nine types of animals on one night, is entering ninth grade this fall. Adalynn Slick, who attends Randolph Southern High School, was quite surprised by the award given on Thursday, […]
Fireworks kick off Milton bicentennial
Milton residents have organized several events — ranging from fireworks to music and magic — to celebrate the town’s bicentennial. The commemoration kicks off with fireworks at dusk Friday, July 5. John Bell founded and platted the town on July 5, 1824. Then, a full day of events is planned for Saturday morning and afternoon. […]
RCS administrators change titles, duties
Some Richmond Community Schools board members didn’t feel they had enough time to review eight changes of assignments for administrators before voting on them. During RCS’ June 19 meeting, John Weber motioned to approve other hires, resignations, etc., but to table administration changes until the July 10 meeting. Peter Zaleski seconded. Weber said information had […]
Tent shows on hold but lighted parade beginning
One traditional Hagerstown summer event is on hiatus while another is rebuilding, and a Christmas event is expanding to include a lighted parade. Council also approved a water rate increase to help repair aging lines. Events During their June 3 meeting, council learned that Nettle Creek Players won’t offer its summer tent shows but hopes […]
Northeastern adjusts school bell times
Some Northeastern students will start school at a different time this fall. Early Learning Center doors will open at 7:55 a.m. before the 8 a.m. start time. End time is 2:45 p.m. Elementary doors will open at 8:10 a.m. before 8:25 a.m. classes. Their day will end at 3:10 p.m., when car riders are dismissed. […]
Fireworks shows could fizzle without help
Generous donations from businesses and individuals have kept fireworks displays in Wayne County skies for many years. However, some years those donations are less than others, prompting sponsoring organizations to ask for help to keep the sparkly shows coming. Richmond’s Harry Ray American Legion Post 65 is in that situation this year. John Renfro said […]