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Filing deadline approaches for towns

Wayne County voters’ general election ballot is nearly set.  Here’s what we know now:  However, Wayne County voters likely will see fewer yard signs this summer for local races than they did in the spring.  That’s because no Democrats or Libertarians filed to run against Wayne County’s Republican candidates for judge, commissioner, clerk of courts, […]

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‘Legacy’ shines at Archway Classic

Four of the five top performing bands at Saturday night’s Archway Classic contest came from Wayne County.   Judges gave top marks to Richmond’s jazz-themed “The Gennett Legacy” show. The tribute to the city’s recording history earned 57.35 points.  “It feels good, and the kids are super excited,” said Dan Merkamp, the Marching Red Devils’ director. […]

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Next election filing deadline is Aug. 1

A few candidates have filed to serve Hagerstown and Dublin residents before the fall election. Residents from those two towns must file candidacy forms by noon Aug. 1 at Wayne County’s voter registration office inside the courthouse, 301 E. Main St., Richmond. Different filing deadlines apply for towns with populations of less than 3,500 so […]

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Photos: Kids meet musher, sled dog

Noggin, an Alaskan husky sled dog, and musher Karen Land visited with local kids and adults on July 3 at Golay Community Center. Land described what it’s like to care for a team of Alaskan huskies and steer a loaded sled through mountainous terrain while crossing the vast Alaskan tundra and hugging the Bering Sea […]

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Archway Classic to feature 8 bands

Centerville’s arches aren’t golden like those of McDonald’s but they might be on the golden pathway to victory at Indiana State Fair’s Band Day.  Centerville Senior High School serves as host for one of the region’s first marching band competitions of the season. Its Archway Classic begins at 8 p.m. Saturday, July 13, at 507 […]