Cambridge City residents have just a couple of days to express interest in filling a council vacancy.
Any Republican who lives within town limits who wants to serve on council is eligible for consideration.
Councilman Nathan Riggs, who works and has a young family, stepped down as of Aug. 1, citing his other pressing time commitments.
Because the town only has one precinct, the Wayne County Republican Party does not need to conduct a caucus to choose a new council member.
Instead, the county’s GOP chairman, Gary Saunders, will appoint the new council member after chatting with current council members about the applicants.
On Wednesday, Saunders said he had heard from one interested resident about the seat.
Earlier in the month, Saunders announced that anyone interested needs to contact him by Saturday, Aug. 20, via phone at 765-886-5611 or 765-238-0724.
If Saunders gets more applicants, he will review their backgrounds with council members before determining who should fill the seat.
Saunders will review candidates’ primary election voting history to make sure someone who selects a Republican ballot is being appointed.
According to state law, Saunders has 30 days to appoint a new member after receiving a notice about the vacancy from Wayne County Clerk Debbie Berry.
He said he plans to make the appointment by Aug. 25.
Want to be on Cambridge City council? Make a call by Saturday