Customers have begun using Centerville’s new drive-thru utility payment option. 

Clerk-Treasurer Sarah Rice told council during its Sept. 10 meeting that a few customers used the former bank drive-thru in its first two days. 

The drive-thru is a stand-alone building behind the new town hall, 220 E. Main St. It’s staffed from 9-11 a.m. and noon-4 p.m. weekdays from the first through 15th days of the month.

For town hall, council selected the lowest of three bids for 17 new windows. Millsaps Construction bid $13,024.35, compared to CBR Services’ $13,605, DB’s $16,928.10 and A. Morgan Construction’s $20,428.58. Funds will come from cumulative capital development.

Millsaps’ quote came from Janyce Millsaps, wife of Gerald Millsaps, who oversees code enforcement for the town.

Council approved buying three Dumpsters for $856 each for Centerville Youth League from the town’s capital improvement fund. Current receptacles’ bottoms have deteriorated. 

It also approved B&B Construction’s $3,995 bid for garage demolition at 212 E. Walnut St., a $5 savings over Cox Excavation’s bid. 

In other business 

  • Police: Chief Ed Buchholz said new officer Bradlee Miller is starting work Sept. 16. The Indiana Law Enforcement Academy graduate has been working in Anderson and is moving to Centerville. 

    In August, CPD investigated two reports each of theft and fraud and one animal neglect. Five arrests were made, one each for domestic battery, battery, reckless driving, driving while license suspended and marijuana possession. From 47 vehicle stops, 18 tickets were issued.
  • Fire runs: Centerville Fire/Rescue conducted 73 runs in August: 49 medical, 19 fire-related, five others. 
  • Roof: Officials will seek clarification on bids for a new Station 2 roof, gutters and downspouts. The last storm ripped off a lot of shingles. One bid was about $35,000 cheaper, but did not mention removing existing shingles as the other two did. 
  • Water bid: Town Manager Kevin Slick opened bids for water service line investigation services. Cobalt Civil bid $21,148.25, which was $8,000 less than Culy Contracting’s $29,596 and $10,000 less than S & N LLC’s $31,750. Slick and Ed Martin, town attorney will review those bids.
  • Water towers: Council approved paying for completion of east water tower work. The west tower was refilled that day. Testing was to begin Sept. 11 with plans to resume operation at week’s end. 
  • Electricity: Two animal-related power outages occurred in August. 
  • Code enforcement: Gerald Millsaps said five cases were cleared and one $200 fine was issued. 
  • Next meetings: Council’s work session is 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 24, which includes a public hearing for the town’s 2025 budget. It’s open to the public. A public hearing for additional appropriations will take place at council’s Oct. 8 meeting.  
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A version of this article appeared in the September 18 2024 print edition of the Western Wayne News.

Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.