Three high-achieving seniors from several high schools have, in turn, honored teachers, coaches or organization advisers who have influenced them.
The 40th annual Indiana Student-Teacher Achievement Recognition program recognizes students and teachers for excellence, integrity and commitment.
Centerville, Lincoln and Hagerstown participate in I-STAR, as well as Tri, Connersville, Union County, Franklin County and Rushville.
Three students are generally selected from each school. Some of the teachers have earned degrees at Indiana University East or Earlham College in Richmond.
The students have extensive lists of cocurricular and extracurricular activities. WWN has summarized the biographies each honoree submitted for the event’s program.
Luke Cottrell is one of Wayne County’s two Lilly Endowment Community Scholars. His activities include treasurer of Western Wayne FFA and Student Government, cross country, track and field, Business Professionals of America, 4-H, and National Honor Society. He volunteers at Richmond Parks and Recreation, Hayes Arboretum and Cope Environmental Center and plans to study wildlife at Purdue University. Parents: Sarah and Nathan Cottrell
Addyson Pitcock is secretary for Lincoln’s student government and treasurer for National Honor Society. She’s also involved in BPA, FFA and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. She has earned varsity letters in softball, golf, basketball and cross country. Pitcock volunteers at Reid Health’s PACE Center in Richmond. She plans to study radiography at Ball State University. Parents: Lucius and Betsy Pitcock
Chevelle Rose found her passion for forensic science by watching “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” with her grandma. She plans to study forensic science and criminal justice at Ball State so she can lead cold cases to justice. Her activities include Key Club, National Honor Society, marching band and BPA. Parents: Jessica Collins and Jason Rose
Kaitlyn Lacey is Lincoln’s agricultural educator and FFA adviser. The Purdue University graduate is a member of Indiana Association of Agricultural Educators. Her family lives on a farm where they have a row-crop and cow-calf operation.
Greg Seidner has taught physics and biology for 37 years at LHS. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Ball State. He coached the varsity volleyball team for 34 years and is an FCA sponsor.
Donna Jones, a 15-year fourth-grade teacher at Western Wayne Elementary, previously worked at Reid Health for 18 years. She received her bachelor’s degree from Indiana University East.
Samuel Dusek won the state Voice of Democracy essay competition and qualified for state Solo and Ensemble three times with his cello. His activities include National Honor Society, track, cross country and swimming. He plans to attend Mount Vernon Nazarene University to study environmental science, run track and play cello. Parents: Craig and Becky Dusek
Zoe Meek plans to major in business and political science before becoming a constitutional lawyer. She advanced to state twice for Business Professionals of America. Additional activities include Model Legislature, cross country, track, archery, National Honor Society, Student Government Association secretary and Hoosier Girls State. Parents: Glen Meek and Karrianne Polk-Meek.
Emma Snodgrass plans to study engineering in college. While playing volleyball, she received several awards, including Academic All-Conference, Academic All-State, and All-Conference. She was on the football film crew and participated in activities in coordination with American Cancer Society. Parents: Scott and Angela Snodgrass
Ross Rexing is science department chair and teaches Biology I, Biology II, and Anatomy & Physiology. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Purdue University and master’s from Indiana University.
Mindy Nolan teaches Spanish and has served as freshman class sponsor and National Honor Society adviser. The University of Indianapolis graduate was inspired by her grandparents, who were lifelong teachers.
Scott Snodgrass is Hagerstown’s athletic director, where he coaches football and strength and conditioning. He developed the Tiger Athlete Leadership Summer Academy for all student athletes. He graduated from University of Indianapolis and Walden University, and earned his career and technical education certificate from Indiana State. He previously taught business and coached wrestling.
Jayden Cornett has participated in Eastern Indiana Model Legislature, Student Government, Leo Club, Business Professionals of America, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Cubing Club, Chess Club, math academic team, National Honor Society and was a Lilly Scholarship finalist. He plans to study exercise science and run cross country at Huntington University. Parents: Jeff and Jenny Cornett
Gavin Stiggleman completed his Eagle Scout rank in February, and with help from Troop 16, constructed a community food pantry Blessings Box for Centerville. Additional activities include soccer, track, football, student government, Leo Club, National Honor Society and First United Methodist Church. He’s currently an operating room intern at Reid Health and will study pre-medicine at Indiana University. Parents: Ian and Holly Stiggleman.
Kaylynn Wolfal’s internship at Greens Fork Animal Hospital, plus volunteering at animal shelters and working in pet boarding, prompted her decision to study veterinary medicine at Purdue University or University of Evansville. Her activities include soccer, basketball, track and field, student government, Leo Club, National Honor Society, concert band, and serving as a class officer. Parents: Josh and Shelley Wolfal
Chris Evrard has taught art at CSHS for 19 years. In addition to coaching cross country and golf, the Ball State alumnus sponsored a class and oversaw several student clubs. He’s vice president of Centerville-Abington Teachers Association and secretary of Richmond Art Museum’s board. Teaching accolades for the Air Force National Guard veteran include Wayne County Area Chamber of Commerce Teacher of the Year (2023).
Holly Stiggleman is finishing her 26th year as a school librarian. She earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Ball State University. She advises Student Government, Leo Club, National Honor Society and Book Club.
Jerry Richwine teaches biology, AP Biology, and earth/space science and co-mentors Board Gaming Club. He worked in retail management and supervising a landscaping company before earning a bachelor’s in biology from Indiana University East and a master’s in teaching from Earlham College.
Gehrig Fredenburg is ranked first in his class. The National Honor Society president was football and wrestling captain. He recorded 100 tackles this season and earned All-State honors. He plans to study biomedical science before applying to medical school. Parents: Tyler and Natalie Fredenburg
Kaizley Sellner is a choir member and varsity cheerleader. She plans to graduate with a cosmetology license through New Castle Career Center before continuing school to become a licensed nail technician and study environmental science. Parents: Joshua May and Jessica May.
Jasmin Tinch plans to become a traveling or pediatric nurse after studying at Ivy Tech Community College. The cheerleader plans to earn money for school by using her cosmetology license. Parents: Sarah Little and Travis Tinch
Rachel Smith teaches sixth-grade math and a project-based learning class. She studied interdisciplinary studies through Western Governors University.
Stacia Guarisco has been an educator for 24 years, serving as an English teacher, media specialist and now school counselor.
Charlotte Latham plans to study biology before becoming an anesthesiologist. She’s already become a certified nursing assistant. Her activities include soccer, cross country and equestrian experiences. Parents: Abbe and Joe Pflum
Bailey Lucas will study political science at IU Bloomington in preparation for law school. Activities include tennis, speech and debate, bowling, National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society, Student Council and Class Council. Parents: Tessa and Brian Sweney
Lincoln Pflum plans to attend Rose-Hulman University to study civil engineering and compete in pole vaulting. Activities include National Honor Society, Student Athletic Council, volunteering, soccer and track and field. He received second place in Purdue’s Biomimicry Fishing Lure Design Contest and graduated from Coast Guard Academy’s AIM program. Parents: Jereme and Kelly Pflum.
Chris Dalrymple teaches chemistry and physics after earning degrees at Texas A & M University and IUPUI.
Jason Cloyd worked in law enforcement before teaching criminal justice at Whitewater Career Center. He’s a Huntington University graduate.
Union County
Teacher Daniel Taylor received his degree in secondary education from Indiana University East.

A version of this article appeared in the March 19 2025 print edition of the Western Wayne News.