Schools from Wayne and Randolph counties each took first place in a subject at an 18-team academic meet.

The Eastern Indiana Academic League Conference Meet took place March 3 in Knightstown. 

Participating schools included Centerville, Northeastern, Hagerstown, Richmond, Tri, Connersville, Union (Modoc), Randolph Southern, Winchester, Union County, Eastern Hancock, Monroe Central, Wapahani, Knightstown, Daleville and Jay County.

A few schools didn’t compete in all subjects, while a few others fielded two teams for some topics. No interdisciplinary competition took place at this meet.

In social studies, Richmond finished first and its B-Squad finished third. Area schools: Tri, fourth; Connersville, fifth; Randolph Southern, sixth; Hagerstown, 13th; Centerville, 14th; Union (Modoc), 15th; and Northeastern was 16th.

Winchester earned a first in fine arts. Area schools: Connersville, third; Randolph Southern, fourth; Tri, fifth; Northeastern, sixth; Richmond, 10th; Centerville, 14th; Union (Modoc) 15th and Connersville B, 16th.

Hagerstown was third in math behind Knightstown and Jay County. More area placements: Connersville, sixth; Centerville, seventh; Randolph Southern, 8th; Connersville B, 13th; Richmond, 14th; Northeastern, 15th.

Connersville led area schools in English, finishing third and sixth (B team). Jay County and Daleville were a few points ahead of the Spartans. Others: Richmond, seventh; Hagerstown, eighth; Randolph Southern, 11th; Tri, 15th; Union (Modoc), 16th; Northeastern, 17th; Centerville, 18th.

Randolph Southern tied for second in science with Jay County. Both had the same score as Knightstown but were a point behind on tiebreakers. Others: Tri, fifth; Hagerstown, sixth; Connersville, eighth; Richmond, 10th; Northeastern, 11th; Centerville, 12th; and Union (Modoc), 17th.

Two more meets for the EIAL member teams will take place April 8 and 22. Schools that place top five in the state in terms of raw score will be invited to the state meet.  

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A version of this article appeared in the March 12 2025 print edition of the Western Wayne News.

Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.