Centerville-Abington principals each shared three goals for improving their schools in 2024-25 while reflecting on some challenges from the previous year. 

At their Sept. 11 meeting, board members heard Principals Brian Bellew (high school), Tiffani Thornburg (junior high), Kelly VanWinkle (C-A Elementary) and Diana Hill (Rose Hamilton Elementary) describe improvement plans for each school and how they plan to meet their goals.

For instance, Rose Hamilton offers “What I Need” times for targeted intervention, and students’ progress will be monitored every two weeks.

Educational Consultant Tammy Chavis commended the quartet for thorough plans, each ranging from 25-29 pages. She said she’s visited the buildings several times since school started.

The board still may ask questions and provide feedback before an expected approval at its Sept. 25 meeting. 

WWN is summarizing each building’s 2024-2025 goals:

  • High school: 80% of students at or above their grade level in math and reading on Spring 2025 Northwest Evaluation Association assessment; decrease incidents leading to suspensions/expulsions by 20%.
  • Junior high: 70% at or above grade level in math and 75% reading proficiency on Spring 2025 NWEA; decrease incidents by 15%.
  • CAE (grades 3-6): 72% at or above grade level on math and 75% on reading; decrease out-of-school suspensions and increase attendance rate.
  • Rose Hamilton (grades K-2): 70% at grade level on NWEA math assessment; 80% increasing their vocabulary understanding as measured by locally developed assessments; number of students demonstrating appropriate character traits.

Annex update

No one spoke during a public hearing on the $2,180,000 additional appropriation for demolition of the annex building, technology purchases and other facility improvements. The board approved the additional appropriation and final bond resolutions 4-0; member Andy Wandersee was absent. 

Maintenance staff are removing items from the annex that can be used in other buildings.

Superintendent Mike McCoy presented proposals for asbestos testing and Geotech soil testing related to the demolition and site work.  

The board approved Pinnacle Environmental Consultants’ lowest asbestos testing bid, not to exceed $6,260, and Patriot Engineering and Environmental’s $9,495 bid for soil testing.  

In other business 

  • At least 14 seats are available for the newly expanded preschool at Rose Hamilton. Several have withdrawn because of cost or lack of transportation. Preschool is $55 weekly; with child care, it’s $100. Contact or 765-966-3911.
  • The board presented CACS’ 2025 capital projects and school bus replacement plans, budgets for the education, debt service, rainy day and operations funds, and Form 4 Appropriations and tax rates for public hearing. No one spoke. 
  • Approved donations: Scott and Britney Glover, $500 for CAE Robotics Club; Trident Restoration, $300 for CAE Running Club; Michael Henry and Ann Howard, $100 for CSHS Drama Club.
  • CACS’ new transportation center was honored at Wayne County Area Chamber of Commerce’s awards program for new or renovated buildings on Sept. 10. It didn’t win, but McCoy said it was nice to be recognized for helping improve the community. 

Personnel updates

  • Pending hires: Debbie Blevins, deputy treasurer; Myra Robinson, long-term sub
  • Departures: Stacie Schlotterbeck, administrative assistant; Annelies Sizelove, part-time Rose Hamilton art teacher; Chelsie Nickell, high school cheer coach; Nate See, junior varsity baseball coach
  • New hires: Emily Chew, administrative assistant. Academic team roles: Amy Lear, team coordinator and math and science coach; Emily Sherrow, English; John Lickfelt, social studies; Eli McCoy, fine arts
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A version of this article appeared in the September 18 2024 print edition of the Western Wayne News.

Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.