Although school officials look forward to expanding preschool at Rose Hamilton Elementary this fall, they’re now discussing whether increased traffic will pose an added challenge.
At Centerville-Abington Community Schools’ May 22 board meeting, member Todd Dooley asked about the impact of additional families on traffic at the school.
Dooley suggested adding another route around the building at 1281 Round Barn Road S., Centerville.
Assistant Superintendent Sean Stevenson said that he and Principal Sam Pritchard started discussing that issue when the pre-K proposal was considered a couple of months earlier.
Pritchard said they have filled the 90 spots available for preschool. That would mean 45 additional kids each morning and 45 in afternoons.
Stevenson noted that some will ride a bus. Preschool timing also is different from grades K-2, so there won’t be much overlap with the normal traffic flow.
Stevenson said CACS will have to take action regarding the traffic.

In other business
- CACS will continue to pay Communities in Schools of Wayne County to help connect students with social services and keep them on the path toward graduation. The board approved an agreement for the 2024-25 school year for site coordinators to work with students. Rose Hamilton and Centerville-Abington Elementary have a coordinator for 30 hours a week and the high school and junior high split a 40-hour coordinator. The vote was 4-0; Brad Lambright was absent.
- CACS’ two new buses were delivered May 21. Board members are invited to tour them, but they are the same as the previous buses purchased. Production timelines are still behind.
- Building projects are coming along, noted Superintendent Mike McCoy. Cameras at the transportation center are nearly complete and maintenance has been working hard on installing air lines. Chomel completed repairs on CAE’s roof.
- The first meeting about a general obligation bond for annex demolition and technology needs will be in June.
- The board conducted a first reading on several new policies. Topics included board-staff communication, chemical management and preparedness for toxic hazard, chemical hygiene plan, environmental health and safety issues, vehicle idling, pest control, prohibition of unmanned aircraft, school visitors and parent-family engagement, school visitors, public records, request for personnel file access, questioning of students and relations with special interest groups. The board will vote on these policies at its next meeting.
- After a second reading, the board approved curriculum material proposals and material rental and fees for 2024-25.
- The board also approved a $200 donation for Centerville Senior High School’s French Club from Friends of Morrisson-Reeves Library as thanks for volunteer help.
Personnel updates
- Departures: Ashley Strait, RH special education teacher; Courtney Stonerock, CAE special education teacher; Shannon Nevels, CJHS Drama Club sponsor; Nancy Presley, CJHS cafeteria; Jessica Kemplen, kindergarten Title 1 aide; Dana Lewis, RH cafeteria cashier; Damon Anderson, CJHS golf coach; David Chew, RH cafeteria
- Summer hires: School: Tiffany Leger, Maddie Dishmond. Bus drivers: John Kuster, Paul Robbins, Greg Newton, Sally Deatline. Custodians: Ashley Hamilton, Tamara Estes, Amanda Miller, Allivia Vecera, Angela Hughes, Sarah Chasteen, Bobbi Boatman. Student custodian: Tate Chasteen. Bus cleaners: Kay Adams, David Pickering. Paint crew: Molly Hampton, Norma Cole.
- Transfer: Tabitha Thomas, from special education aide to CAE full-time day custodian
- Student teachers: Paige Porter, Maggie Hale
- Pending hires: McKenzie Sparks, substitute; James Loxley, cafeteria stock
A version of this article appeared in the May 29 2024 print edition of the Western Wayne News.