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Scout sees world at Korea gathering

A Centerville lad’s summer experience half a world away from home turned out differently from what he expected when record heat changed the plan. Quentin Turner, the 14-year-old son of Kelly and Karen Turner and a freshman at Centerville Sr. High School, attended the 25th World Scout Jamboree in Saemangeum, South Korea. A member of […]

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CACS principals provide board instruction updates

From math remediation to more rigorous curriculum, Centerville-Abington Community School principals provided several updates about their buildings during the Aug. 23 school board meeting. Sam Pritchard said Rose Hamilton Elementary teachers are focused on boosting phonics instruction, which instructional coach Mika Frame is leading, and collaboration is taking place with Indiana University East for a […]

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Neighborhood path to elementary school receives repairs

Students walking from their homes to Rose Hamilton Elementary School this fall have a safer path, thanks to donations from two local businesses.   Last spring, Centerville-Abington Community Schools Superintendent Mike McCoy called the district’s insurance provider, Turner & Shepherd Insurance, with a concern about the path in the Rose Hamilton neighborhood that allowed students […]