Children and families gathered Saturday, March 23, for an egg hunt at Glen Miller Park in Richmond.
The event was put on by the Richmond Parks and Recreation Department.
Millie Martin Emery captured these photos for the Western Wayne News.
The Easter Bunny holds Camden Snoddy, 6 months, at the Saturday, March 23, egg hunt at Glen Miller Park in Richmond. Cameron’s mom, Hannah Snoddy, is the Richmond Farmers Market coordinator and calls her son the newest member of the parks team.
The Easter Bunny holds Camden Snoddy, 6 months, at the Saturday, March 23, egg hunt at Glen Miller Park in Richmond. Cameron’s mom, Hannah Snoddy, is the Richmond Farmers Market coordinator and calls her son the newest member of the parks team.
A’yanna Craig, 4, of Richmond holds her basket after turning in her eggs at the Saturday, March 23, Glen Miller Park egg hunt.
Richmond Police Department officers Mike Black, Desiree Durbin, Kyle Weatherly, Tyler Hobbs and Jared Smith congratulate Cameron Henry, 11, of Richmond, who won the top prize of a party package from Best Western, and his dad, Larry Henry.
Children turn in their empty eggs after Richmond Parks and Recreation Department’s egg hunt on Saturday, March 23, at Glen Miller Park.
Children turn in their empty eggs after Richmond Parks and Recreation Department’s egg hunt on Saturday, March 23, at Glen Miller Park.
Raidyn Abrams, 7, of Richmond, removes treats from his plastic eggs after Richmond Parks and Recreation Department’s egg hunt on Saturday, March 23, at Glen Miller Park.
Raidyn Abrams, 7, of Richmond, removes treats from his plastic eggs after Richmond Parks and Recreation Department’s egg hunt on Saturday, March 23, at Glen Miller Park.
Ella, left, and CHarlotte Abrams, both 4, of Richmond, compare notes on their treats after the Saturday, March 23, egg hunt at Glen Miller Park.
Eggs overflow large tubs after Richmond Parks and Recreation Department’s egg hunt on Saturday, March 23, at Glen Miller Park.
Loralye Henry, 8, of Hollansburg, Ohio, removes her treats from her eggs at the Glen Miller Park egg hunt on Saturday, March 23.
Photos by Millie Martin Emery
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A version of this article
appeared in the March 27 2024 print edition of the Western Wayne News.