Western Wayne Elementary celebrated the end of state testing and the kickoff of Passion Project Week with its first Brain Break Bash. 

On Friday, May 3, all students gathered for activities including painting Superintendent Andy Stover, taping Principal Elizabeth Miller to the wall, cracking eggs on counselor Matt Truesdell’s head, and pie-ing staff in the face. 

Students donated $1 for each activity they chose. Those funds went to the Passion Project efforts of Kailey Winchester, Krista Weireter and Kelsey Agee’s classes to help fund inclusive and accessible playground equipment for WWES. 

The $1,532 raised that day will fully fund a buddy swing. 

Donations are still being sought from businesses and individuals for a musical sound wall, additional buddy swing, sensory panels and a wheelchair accessible sand/water table. Checks can be made payable to WWES and noted for the inclusive playground. 

Other creative fundraising efforts are underway to benefit the playground fund. Second graders made friendship bracelets and preschool students created art to sell.  

During WWES’ Passion Project night at 6 p.m. Thursday, May 16, those attending could buy those bracelets or art, or pottery by sixth grader Amelia Lahrman. A silent auction of chairs designed and painted by Elizabeth Lahrman’s first grade class was planned too.

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A version of this article appeared in the May 15 2024 print edition of the Western Wayne News.

Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.