Fountain City Republicans will get to choose two of three at-large council candidates at a Friday night convention (Aug. 19).
Because the town has fewer than 3,500 people, it can conduct a convention rather than having an election.
It will take place at 6 p.m. Friday at the town hall, 312 W. Main St.
All three candidates are Republicans.
Michael A. Gray and Steve Clark are currently serving on council, and Sue (Mullins) Bromagen has been on the council in the past, Saunders said.
Wayne County Republican Party Chairman Gary Saunders has pulled the voting records for the town’s residents to verify who’s eligible to vote at this time.
State law says residents must have requested a Republican ballot at the last primary election in which they voted.
As required, Saunders posted the convention notice in three prominent locations – town hall, the post office and Martin’s Country Mart. It also is being shared through the town alert system and social media.
Saunders said if a larger crowd turns out than will fit in the city building, the meeting could be moved to the fire station next door.
Saunders said the convention must be run by a town resident, so Keith Webster will conduct the meeting and Jackie Shroyer will serve as clerk.
Fountain City plans Friday night convention to select council members