Grant-funded improvements to three Wayne County playgrounds are taking shape.
The town of Economy is celebrating the opening of its newly upgraded playground with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 11 a.m. Nov. 9.
The event will be followed by a freewill offering meal hosted by the Economy Lions Club, with green beans, sausage and potatoes, cornbread, and dessert.
The previous playground equipment was originally part of the local school. The town has had the same equipment for more than 70 years.

“The playground has become a huge asset to the community,” said Clerk-Treasurer Barb Irvin. “…This new equipment has brought people in from the surrounding areas. I had a grandparent tell me it was so nice to have a close place to bring his grandkids. It is also a great place for the town kids to ride their bikes over to play.”
The new site is a part of a 2.32 acre lot that includes Economy’s community center. Economy’s park draws crowds for events such as car shows, festivals and pork chop suppers.
The town exceeded its $50,000 goal in April 2024. It raised $67,501 from 78 patrons, unlocking the $50,000 match.
In addition, those passing through Milton on Indiana 1 have seen three large gazebos being installed. Some of its new playground equipment, such as gentle bee and dinosaur rides, has been placed. Other pieces and sidewalks await completion.

In Cambridge City, new playground equipment has arrived and is awaiting installation.
Cambridge City met its $50,000 goal in June to receive a $50,000 match for playground improvements, and sought $16,000 more to fulfill organizers’ vision of the space for local kids.
The town is keeping some of the playground’s current equipment. The town council voted to remove three pieces in disrepair and donate them to local Boy Scouts for scrapping.

Some of Cambridge City’s largest donations included $10,000 each from Wayne County government and Economic Development Corp. of Wayne County, and $5,000 each from Ross Jones, Western Wayne Affordable Housing, Reid Health and Wayne County Foundation.
Additional gifts came from a variety of individuals, businesses and groups.
The campaigns were conducted through Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority’s CreatINg Places grant program, which matched donations from local residents with state dollars.
Two other campaigns, for East Germantown and Dublin, also met their fundraising goals earlier this year.
East Germantown’s playground just north of U.S. 40 at 519 Queen St., next to the Wayne Bank Unit of Boys & Girls Clubs of Wayne County, was celebrated with an August ribbon-cutting.
Dublin’s playground at Wilson Park has been completed. Clerk-Treasurer Julia McCarty said a celebration is planned next spring.
A version of this article appeared in the November 6 2024 print edition of the Western Wayne News.