Dublin residents learned Wednesday night that they are to boil their water until further notice.

Dublin Fire/EMS representatives announced the town had had three water main breaks as of 7:30 p.m. Wednesday.

When a portion of Cambridge City had a similar alert in late January, town officials said water for human consumption should be brought to a complete boil for at least 5 minutes before use.

Dublin residents will have little to no water pressure while repairs are being made. For more information, call Dublin’s town hall at 765-478-4878.

Earlier in the day, Cambridge City officials announced that a boil order had been issued for Mount Auburn residents who live west of East Avenue and north of U.S. 40.

Mount Auburn’s boil order had been issued after a water main break at the southeast corner of the Mount Auburn Park.

Cambridge City town employees had to shut down the water main to make the repair, which resulted in low or no water pressure.

Those with questions about Mount Auburn’s water can call Ken Risch, Cambridge City’s superintendent of public works, at 765-478-5611 or email cambridgecity@comcast.net.

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Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.