More than 80 people gathered last week to learn who would be named northern Wayne County’s next Good Friend and Neighbor.
Robin and Ed Nugent were surprised during the 64th annual Rural Urban Dinner at Willie & Red’s in Hagerstown on Thursday, July 11.
Economy Lions Club organizes the gathering, which is intended to encourage good relationships between town and rural residents.
Former winners meet to select honorees. Last year’s winners, Kent and Shellie Gray, presented the award to the Nugents. Kent, Shellie and Robin’s families knew each other when they were attending Hagerstown High School and then their kids went to school together as well.
“I’m very surprised, very honored and shocked they were able to pull it off,” Robin said about her kids, husband and girlfriends keeping her unaware of the award. She agreed with Ed’s description of her as a control freak. “They got me good.”
Thanks to a detailed list from Robin’s daughter, Brittany Ritter, the Grays described the couple’s many contributions to the Hagerstown area through volunteer efforts, public service and philanthropy.
Robin acknowledged many other current and past community leaders she’s watched over the years.
“They’re so deserving, and now here I sit,” Robin said. “It’s kind of humbling.”

Ed describes Robin as “the front lady” and said he’s very big on finalizing details. He prioritizes making sure they’re resolved.
“If you handle the little stuff, the big stuff just flows,” Ed said.
Starting at age 3, Robin became an honorary Lions Club member alongside her dad, George Justice, and transitioned to active membership.
She and Ed are best known for their involvement with the Lions Club. He joined the club after the couple married in 2007, and they have both served in multiple roles and offices.
As Ed gained four young children, he quickly learned what it meant to be a Tiger and support the community.
When Ed joined Nettle Creek Lions, he set a goal to bring back Jubilee Days. The Nugents worked with other members to bring new ideas to the August gathering.
The duo has helped organize many fundraisers through the years, such as providing specialized vision glasses for a legally blind resident and a transport vehicle for Brighter Path’s therapy ponies, starting swimming lessons at Hagerstown High School, buying needed resources for Boys & Girls Clubs’ unit at Hagerstown Elementary and a donkey basketball fundraiser for Geoffrey Hoodlebrink, who battled cancer in his teens and early 20s before his death in 2020.
Other activities they’ve helped organize in the community include Art on Fire (a friendly fire hydrant painting competition), concerts, blood drives, Christmas with Santa, personal hygiene drive for Communities in Schools, trick-or-treat at HES and creating social opportunities.

“There is no shortage of creativity Robin has when it comes to putting together an event,” the audience learned. “And when Robin dreams big, Ed surpasses those dreams with even higher expectations. They are quite the dream team.”
Their children say a family dinner isn’t complete without discussions of upcoming activities and events, because Robin and Ed are always discussing how to grow the community.
Robin’s career also included government service. After college, she returned to begin working for the Town of Hagerstown, and was clerk-treasurer for 16 years. Additional volunteer efforts have included Nettle Creek Players, Phi Chi Epsilon sorority and the Heart of Hagerstown group of small business owners. The couple opened Every Day is Christmas and The Sidewalk Cafe.
Ed owns Utility Supply Co. based in Indianapolis and provides many services to the town on and off the clock. He provides materials needed to keep water flowing through town and contributes labor as well. The business sponsors many Hagerstown youth sports.
Economy Lions Club members are promoting the 65th dinner on July 17, 2025. Grant Mendenhall, a 1982 HHS grad who previously was special agent in charge of FBI’s Indianapolis Field Office and continues working in security leadership, plans to speak.
A version of this article appeared in the July 17 2024 print edition of the Western Wayne News.