GOP will seek candidates for vacancy
Centerville’s council is starting 2023 one member short.
On Sunday, James Bullen submitted a resignation letter to town officials that he also shared with Western Wayne News.
The letter reads:
I have served on city council for Centerville Indiana for over four years. It’s been a great honor to represent my fellow residents.
I joined this council to make a difference however I realized individual voices do not exist.
I was not represented by legal counsel, because I was a minority I was told to get my own legal representation. I was not a puppet and because I addressed issues they tried (to) humiliate me.
I honestly tried to represent the people not those in positions of power. Rules and regulations are established to balance power but this council will seek ways to change these rules to empower themselves to do their agenda.
Many issues I have addressed over the past 4 years, make a list you will see how just a couple of people has led you astray.
We can sit at home complaining but until you rise up leaders (will) continue to do whatever they desire.
Effective Dec 27 2022 I verbally submitted my resignation to council. God Bless You!
After roll was taken at council’s Dec. 27 meeting, Bullen asked President Dan Wandersee for permission to make an announcement.

“It’s been a real honor to serve this community,” Bullen told council. “I just want to state that most of you think I’ve been your enemy for four years. I’m not. I’ve voted my conscience, what I’ve believed, and I think there’s things that have gone on this town that I don’t agree with, but that’s my opinion, and I have a right to that.
So, effective as of right now, I’m resigning my position, and I wish the best to Centerville. And with that, I will exit the building.”
Wandersee replied, “We appreciate that, and we hope the best for you,” and other members chimed in good wishes.
Before shaking hands with councilors and town employees on his way out, Bullen said, “Again, thank you for the opportunity to serve. It’s been an eye-opener.”
Bullen, who represents Ward 1, was appointed to fill a vacancy after Karen Pipes’ work-related resignation in September 2018. He then ran unopposed in 2019.
Wayne County Republicans now must fill Bullen’s vacancy by seeking applicants and conducting a caucus.
Republican Party Chairman Gary Saunders said Sunday that more details will be announced after he receives official notification of Bullen’s resignation from county Clerk Debbie Berry.
Candidates for Bullen’s seat likely will be asked during the caucus if they want to fill the seat for four more years.
Centerville’s five council seats and clerk-treasurer are on this year’s ballot. The filing deadline is Aug. 1.