Centerville-Abington Community Schools is gaining a variety of feedback from national sources.
CACS has received its federal accountability report cards for each of its four school buildings in 2022-2023. Although it varies by age group, the cards offer overall ratings for achievement and progress in academics, closing achievement gaps in English/language arts and math.
They also note factors such as graduation rate, strength of diploma, achieving English language proficiency and addressing chronic absenteeism.
The cards show Centerville Senior High School meets expectations, while Centerville Junior High, Centerville-Abington Elementary and Rose Hamilton Elementary each approach expectations.
They say RH did not meet expectations in closing math achievement gaps, addressing chronic absenteeism and special education. CAE also faced issues in math achievement gaps and special education. The junior high didn’t meet expectations in closing achievement gaps in English or math, or in special education.

On a positive note, Superintendent Mike McCoy also told the board at its Sept. 27 meeting that Cognia representatives will deliver a certificate to recognize CACS for its district accreditation.
The presentation takes place during the board’s 7 p.m. Oct. 11 meeting at the administration building, 115 W. South St.
The Georgia-based organization sent educators to review CACS in February, when they gathered information from various stakeholders. Results were received in May. CACS was initially accredited in 1968.
McCoy is providing food for all staff Oct. 16-18 to celebrate their work toward accreditation.
Approval items
Board members took final action on several items discussed at previous meetings. They approved:
- Building-level School Improvement Plans for 2023-24 that had been presented by each principal.
- 2024 budgets (education, debt service, rainy day and operations funds) and capital projects and school bus replacement plans, along with a resolution for tax anticipation warrant interest.
- Several board policies after a second reading
- A quarterly lunch fund report and $100 donation from Dance Techniques toward CSHS Drama Club
Personnel updates
- Pending hires: Theresa Benedict, Rose Hamilton nurse; Jacquelyn Mullin, substitute nurse; Donald Fisher, CSHS substitute custodian; Logan Grays, bus aide and sub bus driver
- Transfer: Darren Ridenour, sub to long-term sub
- Departures: Matthew Dickerson, high school social studies teacher; Travis Kohn, fifth grade boys basketball coach; Millie Lahmeyer, teaching assistant; Amanda Dawson, cafeteria
- Volunteer: Liesel Nunemacher, Earlham student (field experience), Emily Schroeder, band/drama departments
In other business
- McCoy shared the district’s projected enrollment on the state’s count date as 1,733 students, a decrease of seven from January’s state count. The board also agreed to take on some additional transfer students during the meeting.
- Assistant Superintendent Sean Stevenson reported that eastern Indiana’s Model Legislature completed its 50th year in Indianapolis at the statehouse that day, and it went very well.
- Board member Todd Dooley asked if the public address system could be louder at the football games for the visitor stands.
A version of this article appeared in the October 4 2023 print edition of the Western Wayne News.