Western Wayne Elementary celebrated the end of state testing and the kickoff of Passion Project Week with its first Brain Break Bash. On Friday, May 3, all students gathered for activities including painting Superintendent Andy Stover, taping Principal Elizabeth Miller to the wall, cracking eggs on counselor Matt Truesdell’s head, and pie-ing staff in the […]
Category: News
Sanitary district plans building purchase
Richmond Sanitary District’s required record storage has overwhelmed its current administration building. Some customers have also complained the 2380 Liberty Avenue location is not convenient. The district plans to solve both issues by purchasing an office building at 25 N. Seventh St. Pat Smoker, the sanitary district director, told Richmond Common Council during its May […]
BZA vote untangles hair salon zoning
Applause greeted a Wayne County Board of Zoning Appeals decision May 9 that allows a hair salon to continue operation. The BZA unanimously granted Amanda Seal a variance of use to continue operating her salon in a building outside her Union Pike home on property zoned agricultural. Seal began the salon more than four years […]
Auditor to offer Saturday hours
Auditor Mark Hoelscher will open his office Saturday for residents needing to file property tax exemptions. Hoelscher received permission from the Wayne County commissioners to open the Wayne County Administration Building from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 18. He said some residents are unable to visit the office in person during regular Monday-Friday business […]
School selects new leader
Richmond Friends School has chosen Rebekah “Becky” Dimick Eastman as its new Head of School starting in June. Dimick Eastman currently lives in Richmond with her husband, Eric. Their two sons, Alex and Ted, both attended the independent Quaker school at 607 W. Main St. It opened in 1971 and currently serves preschoolers through eighth […]
Milton’s park fundraising deadline nears; more needed
Donations are trickling in for three local park fundraising campaigns each aiming to raise $50,000 to receive a $50,000 state match. As of press time, Milton has raised $40,605 before its 10 p.m. May 18 deadline. Goals are to resurface its basketball court and add shelters, picnic tables, benches, playground equipment and landscaping. Milton’s donations […]
RP&L board awards bids
The Richmond Power & Light board awarded bids for a tow motor and tree-trimming bucket truck during its May 6 meeting. MH Equipment Company of Dayton, Ohio, bid $43,255.73 to provide the electric tow motor with an estimated 40 weeks for delivery. MH provided the only bid that met specifications. Altec Industries of Indianapolis bid […]
Jubilee Days in jeopardy? Future’s cloudy
Hagerstown is seeking a new organizer for its annual Jubilee Days festival. Robin Nugent told town council members at their May 6 meeting that Nettle Creek Lions Club will not sponsor the festival. However, she emphasized the club isn’t folding and will continue to help with spring, fall and Christmas festivals. Before the 2023 festival, […]
$10 buys Cambridge City land option for water tower
Cambridge City has approved an option to purchase a piece of land in Gateway Industrial Park for a new water tower. Town council members unanimously supported the $10 agreement at a brief special meeting on Wednesday, May 8. Cambridge City is pursuing more than $2.5 million from U.S. Economic Development Administration toward the approximately $6 […]
Local veterans will be cheered in May 18 parade
Centerville again welcomes all area veterans to participate in this weekend’s annual parade to honor military service. Organizers also encourage area residents to line the street in appreciation for their sacrifices. The parade, featuring veterans of any generation, will head west along Main Street at 6 p.m. Saturday, May 18, in downtown Centerville. The parade […]