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Likelihood of false negative on COVID test can as high as 40 percent, county health officer says

After some Wayne County students tested negative for COVID-19 but were told by medical professionals to presume they were positive, local health officials are aiming to answer residents’ questions about how that happened. A COVID-19 diagnosis can be made either through a laboratory or clinically, according to Wayne County Health Officer Dr. David Jetmore in […]

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Centerville schools reopening Tuesday; more quarantining after positive case confirmed at CHS

Centerville-Abington Community School Corporation will resume in-class instruction Tuesday, Aug. 11, but some students and teachers will be quarantining for 14 days. Contract tracing is being finalized for those who were around a COVID-positive high school student and three presumptive positive young students, according to a Monday afternoon statement from Superintendent Mike McCoy. Wayne County […]

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Centerville schools will be closed Monday after health concern raised

Centerville-Abington Community School Corporation is closing all of its buildings Monday after some health concerns have been raised in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. On Friday afternoon, Superintendent Mike McCoy said that the school district learned Friday about two negative COVID-19 cases for students in Rose Hamilton Elementary School. Although McCoy said the tests were […]

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Boy in critical condition after U.S. 40 crash

A 4-year-old Wayne County boy received life-threatening injuries after a Thursday evening crash near the intersection of Round Barn Road and U.S. 40 West. The crash took place shortly before 7:45 p.m. on Richmond’s far-west side. Sheriff Randy Retter said a white 2002 Pontiac van driven by David Kirkendall-Hollingsworth, 23, of Richmond, was westbound on […]