Cambridge City’s council approved fining property owners when first responders are called to multiple false alarms, and increasing costs to open and close graves.

At its Jan. 13 meeting, council approved an ordinance discussed in December that allows property owners two false alarms per year before a fee is charged. The third and fourth call would be fined $200 each. Starting with the fifth, the cost increases $100 each time.

The town’s police and fire departments have both raised concerns about staff and volunteer time, vehicle wear, and fuel being wasted for false alarms. Smokers have set off alarms many times at one local building.

Property owners with alarm systems will be contacted directly to notify them of the change.

In other business

Cemetery: Council also finalized plans to increase the cost of opening and closing adult graves in Riverside Cemetery. That daytime service now will cost $600 because the fee wasn’t covering the town’s expenses for paying the contractor hired for digging and for town employees to cover graves after burial. Additional fees will remain the same for late afternoons, evenings, weekends and holidays.

Digging of infant graves remains $150. Burial plot purchases won’t increase.

Because the cemetery isn’t running out of space, council agreed to advertise its annual acceptance of bids for leasing about 15 acres of surrounding farm ground.

Wi-Fi: Estimates for security camera installation and Wi-Fi at Creitz Park are being gathered from at least three providers for future selection. One security provider said a fiber point wouldn’t be needed at the park because it could connect to town hall’s internet.

Council leadership: Jim McLane was reelected president and Mike Amick vice president for another year. Votes were unanimous. No other candidates were nominated.

Blight: Some blighted homes have been removed, including one on East Church across from the historic former home of the nationally known Overbeck Sisters artists, and another at Vine and Fifth streets. Homes on Jones Street and U.S. 40 were boarded. Progress is being made in cleaning up a High Street yard.

Approved donations: Money: $6,142 collected at Creitz Park’s entrance during firefighters’ Christmas lights display; $100 from Gordon Mehaffey for the fire department; $599.76 from Zion’s Lutheran Church; $500 from Cambridge City Chamber of Commerce. Art: Bob McCullough donated one painting from local artist Mae Gibbs to the town and one to the library. It has been hung in the council room. Councilor Gary Cole donated a print by his mother, Betty Cole.

Car show: Council gave Debbie Gettinger permission to organize a “Joe Show” car show on Sept. 29 at Creitz Park in memory of her son Adam, who died in 2000 and was active in car clubs. Friends had called him Joe.

Employment: A job description has been written for the public works superintendent position and it will be advertised. Council set a Feb. 14 application deadline.

Attorney: Bob Bever will continue representing Cambridge City.

First responders: Chief Richard Roberts said the 2024 call total (4,205, 479 of which were in Dublin) was a bit higher than 2023, but the department also had extra staff to respond. Jeff Gabbard said firefighters conducted about 400 runs, approximately 80% of which were medical issues.

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A version of this article appeared in the January 22 2025 print edition of the Western Wayne News.

Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.