Outside reviewers have given Centerville-Abington Community Schools a rare form of recognition.

Jennifer Horvath from Cognia, who was part of the team that evaluated CACS for accreditation earlier this year, presented a certificate to the school board and administrators at their Oct. 18 meeting.

Horvath said a total of 25 schools and eight districts around the world received the 2023 distinction that Centerville did.

Cognia is a nonprofit organization that says it conducts rigorous, on-site external reviews of PreK-12 institutions to promote continuous improvement.

She applauded everyone from the superintendent to all other staff who make the district unique.

School board President Todd Duke said he knew the corporation was great, but it was significant to see recognition from the traveling evaluators. He thanked the many CACS employees who are responsible for that honor.

To earn the School/Systems of Distinction award, recipients must effectively implement high-quality instruction, show consistent organizational effectiveness and maintain a commitment to continuous improvement, Cognia’s website says. Honored schools “demonstrate energetic and sustained commitment to learners.”

Cognia serves 40,000 institutions across the United States and 90 other nations.

Cognia recognized two others in Indiana with the 2023 award: Penn High School in Mishawaka and Duneland School Corp. in Chesterton.

In other business

  • With a 4-0 vote, the board approved the Tentative Agreement for the 2023-2024 CACS Teacher Contract. Superintendent Mike McCoy said he appreciated the negotiating team’s members for another great year, and he believes both sides walked away with another solid contract that is beneficial to all. Member Andy Wandersee was absent.
  • Regarding the August water damage at Rose Hamilton Elementary, the insurance company has accepted a bid from Trident Construction to fix a classroom and cabinets in two other rooms, plus installation of new terrazzo flooring where the pipe burst in the hallway. Work is to start in late December.
  • Construction of the transportation center is to conclude in late November.
  • The board also approved several policies 4-0 on a second reading after an in-depth discussion at last week’s meeting. Policies covered about a dozen topics, ranging from streaming board meetings to drug prevention and testing.

Personnel updates

  • Pending hires: Kinsey Godfrey, musical technical director; Julia Williams and Priscilla Jo Willett, substitutes; Sarah Roberts, fifth/sixth grade cheerleading coach
  • Rehires: Ashley Woods, substitute; James Harley Cook, JV boys basketball coach; Victoria Bevins, fifth grade girls basketball coach
  • Departures: Eliza See, high school cheer coach; and girls basketball coaches Mika Frame (seventh grade) and Brooks Baker (eighth grade). New hire: Stacie Schlotterbeck, fifth grade boys basketball
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A version of this article appeared in the October 25 2023 print edition of the Western Wayne News.

Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.