Land owner asks to buy small section near tower At its Feb. 13 meeting, Cambridge City’s council addressed topics ranging from a potential sale of property around the water tower to broken sidewalks and the possibility of a new K9 officer. Property sale: Jason Losekamp, who lives in the 300 block of Boundary Street, asked […]

Author Archives: Millie Martin Emery
Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.
Will 100,000 tourists descend on Wayne County next year?
Although it’s more than a trip around the sun away, Wayne County is beginning to prepare for what could be more than 100,000 visitors — and their tourism dollars — visiting the area to witness a total solar eclipse next year. Western Wayne County will be directly in the path of the rare event on […]
Utility bills, bus violations among Centerville topics
No residents speak at water, electric rate hearing Acknowledging that no one loves paying extra for utilities, Centerville’s council voted unanimously on Valentine’s Day to slightly increase customers’ water and electric costs. Nine residents attended public hearings preceding the votes, but most were town employees or volunteers. None spoke. Increases are based on municipal adviser […]
Imagination Library could expand statewide
Nonprofit aims to register all Wayne County kids for free books Leaders of an organization providing free books to preschoolers are “really excited” about a new possibility of partial state funding. Every Child Can Read (ECCR) has provided no-cost books to more than 5,300 Wayne County children since 2014. The Richmond-based nonprofit has more than […]
Affordable housing among local schools’ top concerns
Board members tout quality education in all 5 districts Despite ongoing competitions for students and unique programs touted by each of Wayne County’s five public school districts, school board members generally agree that kids have great opportunities to learn at any of the county’s schools. “We all work together on the same team, even […]
Pipe company promises 111 new jobs
EDC lands manufacturer for industrial park In less than two weeks, Wayne County announced its second new employer at Midwest Industrial Park. Viking Group, Inc., a Michigan-based manufacturer and distributor of fire protection solutions, has announced it is buying 40 acres in Richmond to build a new manufacturing facility for its subsidiary, MV Pipe LLC. […]
2023 primary election canceled
Board upholds GOP’s candidate challenges, leaving no contested races Wayne County election officials agreed Monday that no primary election is necessary this spring. The cancelation came after deciding that only one Republican candidate met state criteria to run for Richmond mayor, following eligibility challenges filed in January. No other Richmond races had more than one […]
Dublin changing election terms, timing
3 councilors will be elected for 1 year To save money, stagger terms and potentially draw more voters, Dublin is changing how its town council members and clerk-treasurer are elected this year. Historically, all five council members were elected at the same time. Those municipal elections have taken place in the “off” year before a […]
Body shop manager fills council vacancy
Richmond native wants to help keep Centerville ‘good’ Already widely known for repairing vehicles, Centerville has a new councilor to help fix any town issues. David Cate took the oath of office Feb. 1 after a brief Republican caucus at Fire Station No. 1. Cate was the only applicant to fill the Ward 1 seat […]
Centerville health insurance in limbo
Centerville officials anticipated saving nearly $60,000 as a part of changing its employees’ health insurance provider Jan. 1. However, the expected 22% discount — instead of a 10.7% increase if staying with its previous insurer — hasn’t materialized. Clerk-Treasurer Richard Tincher told council Jan. 31 that he’s still paying previous insurer Anthem because new coverage […]