Concerned about what they describe as a “horrible” odor just east of downtown Cambridge City, half a dozen residents attended a meeting to ask officials what is being done to solve it. An odor developed in the fall that some say they can begin smelling near the first block of West Main, and it intensifies […]

Author Archives: Millie Martin Emery
Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.
RCS narrowly OKs administrator raises
With a 4-3 vote, Richmond Community Schools’ board approved a 5% pay raise for building principals, assistant principals and Central Office administrators. The board conducted a special Dec. 18 meeting for nearly an hour. The topic had been on the board’s Dec. 13 regular meeting agenda but wasn’t voted upon then. Members Aaron Stevens, Nicole […]
Modoc, Losantville area to receive 4.3-mile trail
Outdoor enthusiasts will have another trail to explore soon, thanks to a $4 million state grant. Randolph County successfully applied for $4,096,800 through Indiana Department of Natural Resources’ program. The project, called Vision Trail Phase 1, will add 4.3 miles of 10-foot-wide, asphalt shared-use path along the abandoned Penn Central rail corridor from County Road […]
‘25 million reasons to believe’
With help from a new $25 million grant, $108 million in improvements are planned that aim to boost community pride and attract and retain workers and students in Wayne County. Nearly 50 Earlham College employees and local leaders worked over about eight months on the Revitalize Richmond proposal that won Lilly Endowment Inc.’s support. Earlham’s […]
Several county-level races on 2024 ballot
Although November 2024 seems distant, those interested in representing a major political party in the fall election need to make up their minds about running by early February. The first day to visit the courthouse and file to run in the May primary is Jan. 10, and the filing deadline is noon Feb. 9. Several […]
$10,000 bid stuns crowd
During the last auction item of the night, a steady hum of casual conversations gradually faded into stunned silence, murmurs, exclamations and cheers as bids frantically rose toward $10,000. Those present at this year’s Depot Festival of Trees auction did not expect to see a five-figure record donation for a tree (which turned out to […]
Cemetery board seeks help with $5,000 match opportunity
Donations can still be matched toward driveway repairs at Zion Lutheran Cemetery in Pershing. An anonymous donor is matching donations 1:1 through Jan. 31 up to $5,000. Gifts are tax-deductible because the reorganized cemetery board’s new volunteers successfully applied to become a 501(c)3 organization through Indiana Secretary of State and the federal Internal Revenue Service. […]
CACS addressing financial challenges, savings opportunities
Centerville-Abington Community Schools discussed ways to meet rising 2024 expenses, including new buses, insurance, technology and personnel, and save money. Special meeting In other business Personnel Board member Brad Lambright joined Indiana School Boards Association’s Region 6 legislative committee.
RCS looks at necessary big-ticket building repairs
Richmond Community Schools’ aging buildings need repairs that will not be “a cheap undertaking,” administrators say. During their Dec. 13 meeting, Chief Operations Officer Karen Scalf presented potential facilities and building operation upgrades, and Jamie Bolser, who oversees human resources and finances, discussed financial options. Scalf said goals are to enhance learning environments, update dated […]
Council agrees 3 homes need demolition
Cambridge City’s council agreed that three homes are unsafe and need demolishing but gave a single mom 90 days in case Wayne County’s new blight elimination program can help. During a public hearing at council’s Dec. 11 meeting, 411 and 415 W. Front St. were found unsafe. Ken Risch, superintendent of public works, hasn’t been […]