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Bittersweet move for Sorah

When Steve Sorah joined Cambridge City’s town council, his two sons weren’t yet born.  Presley is now 20, and Vince is a Lincoln High School senior.   Town councils often have member turnover through the years for various reasons such as moving away or increased job or family obligations. When Sorah meets other town councilors, they’re […]

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Custodian secures purse with $8K inside

Someone nearly lost $8,000, but an honest custodian saved the day.  Tyler Risch, a Centerville Senior High School custodian, secured a purse left at an elementary choir concert in CSHS’ Kehoe Auditorium. The purse had $8,000 in cash inside.  During Centerville-Abington Community Schools’ Jan. 11 board meeting, Assistant Superintendent Sean Stevenson said Risch had handled […]

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Candidates filed for primary

On Wayne County’s first day of election filings, 14 candidates filed for local roles ranging from judge to coroner, commissioner, clerk, treasurer and council member. By Friday afternoon, the ballot had doubled. At least some of the candidates will be new faces because some current officeholders can’t run again for their jobs because of term […]

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Governor honors local attorney

Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb has recognized Richmond attorney Amy Dudas with the Distinguished Hoosier Award. Indiana governors have selected Distinguished Hoosiers for 50-plus years to recognize outstanding residents. Distinguished Hoosiers have made significant contributions to their communities, and their qualities and actions endear them in the hearts and minds of Hoosiers. Dudas served as president […]

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Forum to focus on school equity policy

Those living in Richmond Community Schools’ boundaries are being asked to learn more about ensuring equal access to educational opportunities for the district’s students. A public forum, called “Why Richmond Community Schools Needs an Equity Policy,” will be from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 16, at Morrisson-Reeves Library, 80 N. Sixth St., Richmond.  Members of Richmond […]

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Cambridge OKs employee pay, $5K donation

Cambridge City’s town council quickly conducted a special year-end meeting to finalize employee pay and benefits for 2024, accept a $5,000 donation and transfer some funds.  As discussed during the fall budgeting process, salaried employees will receive a 3% raise next year, and pay was adjusted for hourly employees as well.  Richard Roberts, the town’s […]