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RCS studying possible re-org

Richmond Community Schools has hired Indiana consultants to conduct a reorganization study of the district.  As part of their resource analysis, the trio will review the possibility of reconfiguring grade-level combinations and implications for affected buildings and transportation.  RCS’ board and administrators would review the consultants’ suggestions but could dismiss them if they don’t think […]

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Centerville tripling preschool capacity

Dozens of new preschool seats will be added at Centerville-Abington Community Schools. CACS also plans to hire a director of student learning and offer public parking on solar eclipse day.  Preschool After hearing Rose Hamilton Elementary Principal Sam Pritchard describe plans for adding two preschool classrooms next fall, the board voted yes unanimously.  Rose Hamilton […]

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Student, professor honored for Building Bridges 

A 2023 Richmond High School graduate and an Indiana University East associate professor have received statewide recognition. One student and one additional community member (faculty, staff, local organization, etc.) from each IU campus and IU’s School of Medicine are recognized each year with the Building Bridges Award for promoting equality, diversity, inclusion and respect.  Honorees demonstrate […]

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Video excerpts offer inspiration, memories

A variety of Wayne County residents’ contributions and experiences are being spotlighted during Black History Month.   Whitewater Community Television has produced videos lasting about 1 to 3 minutes for quick viewing. They are excerpts of longer interviews made for Wayne County Historical Museum in partnership with Black Legacy Project of Wayne County.    The video clips […]