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Milton playground campaign aims high

Wayne County’s next all-or-nothing fundraising campaign to improve a small community’s recreational opportunities has begun.  The town of Milton is trying to raise $50,000 by 10 p.m. May 18. If successful, the project will receive a matching grant as part of Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority’s (IHCDA) CreatINg Places program. “With your support, the […]

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Humble, generous service

Two longtime Western Wayne residents were recognized for their dedication to the community.  At its annual dinner, Cambridge City Chamber of Commerce honored Tom Munchel and Mick Fowler for setting an example through humble and generous service. Several years ago, the theme for the chamber’s Canal Days festival was “Small Town, Big Heart.”  Shortly after, […]

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Tip helps rescue 29 animals

A tip led to law enforcement, animal and human health experts and donors collaborating to rescue 29 animals living in “deplorable conditions,” according to officials.  The 23 dogs and six cats were living at a Dublin residence. Thanks to a thorough tip, Wayne County Sheriff’s Office Animal Control Deputy Jesse Moore “essentially overnight” drafted a […]

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Centerville’s water bills going up

No one spoke against or for Centerville’s plan to increase customers’ water bills over three phases.  Just before its regular March 12 meeting, council conducted a public hearing to discuss the potential increase that will help pay for replacement of lead service line remediation, distribution improvements and water tower rehabilitation.  Later in the meeting, council […]

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2 local schools earn wins at academic meet

Academic teams from Wayne and Henry counties are among those earning top finishes at the Eastern Indiana Academic League Invitational.  Seventeen schools’ teams competed Feb. 26 in subjects including science, fine arts, social studies, math and English during the conference meet.   Area competitors were Centerville, Connersville, Lincoln, Northeastern, Randolph Southern, Richmond, Tri and Union (Modoc). […]

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Centerville chooses new fire chief

A third-generation firefighter has been chosen as Centerville’s new fire chief. At its March 12 meeting, Centerville Town Council unanimously approved Andy Aughe as Centerville Fire/Rescue’s next leader.  Councilor Gary Holbert said those reviewing the applications had “an extraordinarily talented group of people with credentials that’s unbelievable” to consider.  Aughe (pronounced “oy”), has been part […]

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Centerville completing required state testing

It’s a busy season of mandated statewide testing at Centerville-Abington Community Schools, administrators told the district’s school board at its March 6 meeting.  Second and third graders completed IREAD-3 tests last week to check basic reading skills and comprehension. Statewide, nearly 82% of public and private school students passed IREAD-3 in 2023.  Indiana lawmakers just […]

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BPA students shine at state

Showing their skills in everything from health research presentations to computer programming, Wayne County students again earned state championships and Top 10 finishes in Business Professionals of America’s State Leadership Conference.  Lincoln, Centerville, Hagerstown and Richmond each sent a delegation of state qualifiers to Indianapolis for the March 10-12 competition.  In addition to competing in […]