Cambridge City council is taking action regarding blight, police matters and dog waste, and warns Pershing that it must pay for fire protection or that service will be cut off soon. Here are some of the topics discussed during April 16 and 23 meetings. Police Blight Darlena Roberts attended to discuss 411 and 415 W. […]

Author Archives: Millie Martin Emery
Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.
Fundraising starts to improve Creitz Park
Cambridge City aims to make Creitz Park more welcoming to all area kids and families, regardless of their abilities. A crowdfunding campaign launched last week to renovate the park’s playground. If $50,000 is raised by 10 p.m. June 23, the town will receive a matching grant of the same amount through Indiana Housing and Community […]
Seniors, teachers honored
Three high-achieving seniors from several high schools in turn have honored teachers, coaches or organization advisers who have influenced them. The 39th annual Indiana Student-Teacher Achievement Recognition program recognizes students and teachers for excellence, integrity and commitment. Centerville, Lincoln and Hagerstown participate in I-STAR, as well as Tri, Connersville, Union County, Franklin County and Rushville. […]
School dress code, attendance, cellphone policies could change
Principals in Centerville-Abington Community Schools have recommended several changes to student handbooks for 2024-2025 related to dress codes, cellphones, attendance and other topics. School board members conducted a first reading April 23 and could approve them at the next public meeting, 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 8, at 115 W. South St., Centerville. Centerville-Abington Elementary, Centerville […]
Thrift store plans annual meeting, poverty simulation
Hagerstown Thrift Store’s board of trustees will organize its annual meeting at 1 p.m. Saturday, May 4. It will take place in Nettle Creek Church of the Brethren, 5352 N. Brick Church Road, Hagerstown, and is open to the public. Those attending will find out how the community thrift store has done over the last […]
Western Wayne adding to military banners along U.S. 40
Cambridge City Chamber of Commerce plans to add to its veterans banner collection and take it westward along U.S. 40 in Dublin this year. Western Wayne residents who are currently or formerly in the military are eligible for a banner featuring their photo, name, branch, rank and service era. Applications are due May 1 so […]
Unwanted medicines can be dropped off April 27
Some Wayne County police departments are planning to participate in the April 27 National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. This service is free and anonymous. No questions are asked at any location. “Unused or expired prescription medications are a public safety issue,” said Cambridge City Police Department Cpl. Seth Biava in a news release. “Proper […]
Absentee ballot requests due April 25
Those who are eligible to cast absentee ballots by mail must submit an application by 11:59 p.m. April 25. There are 12 reasons Hoosiers are allowed to vote via mail. Those include being 65 or older, disabled, absent from the county on Election Day, scheduled to work all 12 hours the polls are open, or […]
New family resource center aims to help kids, parents
Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) and its community partners are collaborating to raise awareness and educate the public in honor of April’s Child Abuse Prevention Month. DCS and its partners work to provide support for communities through preventive programs for families, including Healthy Families Indiana and Community Partners for Child Safety. DCS also opened […]
EDC offers quality of place updates
Just after hearing progress updates on goals to improve housing, internet access, child care and transportation, Economic Development Corp. of Wayne County’s board renewed its four-year contract to serve the county and extended a remote worker attraction program. MakeMyMove Wayne County Commissioners asked EDC’s board to spend $130,973 from Consolidated EDIT Fund to extend MakeMyMove […]