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5 area bands in state’s Top 14

Performing jazz, rock and other styles of music, Richmond, Centerville, Winchester, Northeastern and Tri students were among the best bands at Indiana State Fair. Richmond’s “Gennett Legacy” tribute to the city’s jazz recording heritage led schools in Wayne, Randolph and Henry counties with a fourth-place finish. The Marching Red Devils wore zoot suit-styled shirts and […]

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CACS hires principals, director of student learning

More familiar faces — including two returning ones — have moved into leadership positions at Centerville-Abington Community Schools.  At its July 24 meeting, the board hired Tiffani Thornburg as Centerville Junior High principal, Mika Frame as Centerville-Abington Elementary assistant principal, and Tammy Chavis as CACS’ director of student learning.  Those hires were prompted by Brian […]

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Schools must allow religion

A new state law requires Indiana schools to allow students to receive religious instruction during the school day, and Centerville-Abington Community Schools will be among the first in the area to do so. Complying with House Enrolled Act 1137 passed in the 2024 Indiana General Assembly session, CACS and LifeWise Academy leaders have agreed upon […]

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Bands on track for fair

Band families would say it’s a question of how many, rather than if, nearby schools will qualify for Indiana State Fair Band Day’s night show on Friday, Aug. 2. Last year, Centerville led the area with a fourth-place finish at Band Day, followed by Richmond, sixth; Winchester, seventh; Northeastern, ninth; Randolph Southern, 12th; Henry County […]

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Jazz, tangos, classical on quartet’s program

A new guest pianist joins Chanticleer String Quartet for its 48th annual free summer music festival. Quartet founder Caroline Klemperer of Richmond says Darius Frowner is an accomplished director, instructor and performer in New York City.  He’ll make his local debut with Klemperer and returning members Jennifer Smith of Montana and Elizabeth Gottling Mendoza and […]

Posted inSports

Centerville approves coaching updates

At its July 24 meeting, Centerville-Abington Community Schools’ board said goodbye to two coaches and welcomed a new coach and several returning coaches and athletics volunteers. James Fralick has been hired as Centerville Junior High School tennis coach. Haley Conway is departing as Centerville Senior High School assistant girls basketball coach and Mika Frame will […]

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ReidRide marking 15 years

Bicyclists of all ages and skill levels are invited to join the 15th annual fundraiser that buys shoes for local kids. The ReidRide begins at 8 a.m. Aug. 10. Participants can choose an 8-mile family route or routes of 15 or 30 miles. Much of the ride is on Cardinal Greenway, but the routes also […]

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10 years of fresh starts

For those struggling to cover the basics, something as simple as clean clothes can make a big difference. After helping local residents wash more than 41,000 loads of clothes and bedding, the Laundry Project is celebrating its 10th anniversary this week.  While marking that milestone, organizers also hope to collect more donations, which would allow […]

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Group: Graduates won’t get into state schools

Some state lawmakers and a music organization are urging Hoosiers to share concerns about the state’s proposed new high school diploma rules by Tuesday, July 30.  State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) sponsored House Enrolled Act 1243 this year, which expanded Indiana Department of Education’s ability to design more flexible high school diploma requirements to consider […]