Although Wayne County has gained jobs and investments from some recent business consolidations, corporate leaders have decided to wind down operations at two Richmond plants. Valerie Shaffer, Economic Development Corp. of Wayne County president, said EDC staff are working with human resource teams for TBK America and Champion Target to help connect their former employees […]

Author Archives: Millie Martin Emery
Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.
2 schools score 100% IREAD passage rates
Two Wayne County schools had all their third and/or second graders pass Indiana’s most recent reading test. Some others weren’t far behind. Rose Hamilton Elementary School, part of Centerville-Abington Community Schools, and Community Christian School in Richmond, both earned 100% on the 2023-2024 Indiana Reading Evaluation and Determination, or IREAD, assessment. Northeastern Wayne Elementary was […]
Archway Days offers mechanical bull, car smashing
This is the 36th year for Centerville’s Archway Days, and the festival will have about seven dozen vendors and activities. The festival will take place from 3-11 p.m. Friday, Aug. 23, and 9 a.m.-11 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 24, in Maplewood Park, just a couple blocks north of the stoplight at U.S. 40 and Morton Avenue. […]
Elementary school car line concerns addressed
Centerville-Abington Community Schools officials listened to two different perspectives about student drop-off and pickup concerns at Rose Hamilton Elementary. During their Aug. 14 meeting, they took parent Rikki Madden’s comments under advisement. Madden, who helped create an online petition with 300-plus signatures, said the newly implemented plan isn’t working. Later in the meeting, board members […]
RCS board declines to approve equity policy
Although several Richmond Community Schools board members said they appreciated the work that community members put into writing an equity policy, board members didn’t support its full implementation. Board members conducted an in-depth discussion at their Aug. 14 meeting, describing conversations they’ve had with Richmond Education Association’s Racial Equity Coalition members and their individual reviews […]
Schools lift extra security precautions
Several Wayne County schools tightened security for about 90 minutes Monday morning after a reported domestic situation raised safety concerns. Richmond Police Department received an anonymous call at 8:27 a.m. Monday from an individual claiming to have taken his wife hostage and to be en route to a local community school with a bomb, according […]
Firm hired to administer school demolition
After evaluating two proposals, Centerville-Abington Community Schools’ board selected a company for a key role in demolition of its unsafe former junior high school and administration buildings. Centerville officials have condemned both the deteriorating building commonly known as “the annex,” which served older Centerville-Abington Elementary students in recent years, as well as the former administration […]
Dedication celebrates arts in schools
While the Wayne County Mural Program Competition is prompting new looks at exterior walls, two organizations are dedicating a relatively new interior mural they’d like to spotlight too. Richmond Art Museum and Richmond High School Alumni Association are teaming to organize the mural’s dedication at 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17. It’s free and open to […]
Communities in Schools will continue to serve RCS
Richmond Community Schools will continue to have Communities in Schools of Wayne County employees in most of its buildings to motivate kids to stay in school and connect them with social services. After working through some budgetary concerns, RCS’ board has approved a memorandum of understanding with CIS for site coordinator services in 2024-2025. RCS […]
RCS might move 5th grade back to elementaries
Richmond Community Schools is considering reconfiguring grade levels and building use for 2025-2026 or beyond. Administrator Assistance, the firm RCS contracted to study the issue, said strong consideration should be given to moving fifth grade back to elementary schools. That decision would drive all other recommendations. Long-range planning and declining student enrollment prompted the evaluation. […]