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Falling Starr, or rising Starr?

A Wayne County neighborhood is again on Indiana Landmarks’ statewide 10 Most Endangered list, but optimism is growing among several historic preservation leaders as progress is being made. The Starr Historic District is bounded by North A, North E, North 10th and North 16th streets in Richmond. Indiana Landmarks officials say that architecture enthusiasts previously […]

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Centerville sees support for $50K grant

Centerville leaders are gathering residents’ support before applying for $50,000 to update plans guiding future decisions and growth.  Before its Aug. 13 regular meeting, council conducted a public hearing to collect comments for its application to Indiana’s Office of Community and Rural Affairs. The town’s share for Lochmueller Group’s work would be $9,600.  The town’s […]

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Ideas, help sought for 2025 fair

Wayne County’s next 4-H fair is being planned for June 21-28, 2025. Organizers say they are always looking for ways to improve the fair and bring the best entertainment possible, although they have to work within a budget. Potential committee members or fair sponsors, or those who have suggestions about what they’d like to see, […]