A Wayne County neighborhood is again on Indiana Landmarks’ statewide 10 Most Endangered list, but optimism is growing among several historic preservation leaders as progress is being made. The Starr Historic District is bounded by North A, North E, North 10th and North 16th streets in Richmond. Indiana Landmarks officials say that architecture enthusiasts previously […]

Author Archives: Millie Martin Emery
Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.
County addresses animal issue at ‘crisis point’
Between neglect, abuse, health issues, and not having homes, animal welfare problems stretch to all corners of Wayne County. So far, Wayne County’s government and the City of Richmond have taken the lead in trying to address animal welfare through funding from the Hoosier Enduring Legacy Program. Commissioner Mary Anne Butters wants to see that […]
Event aims to raise awareness, reduce stigma
Banners filled with photos, empty chairs and purple ribbons offer powerful reminders of the dozens of Wayne County lives lost to overdose each year. According to the Wayne County Health Department, 44 people died of overdose in 2023. So far in 2024, the county has had 27 overdose fatalities. However, it takes a few weeks […]
RCS facilities conversation shifts to Dennis, Baxter
Richmond Community Schools is still in the conceptual design stage for determining which buildings will receive millions of dollars for repairs. At its Aug. 14 work session, board members shared opinions and asked questions of architect Kevin McCurdy, administrators and each other as they decide how to spend 2024 bond proceeds. One major decision is […]
Open burning, tornado siren among council topics
Two Cambridge City homes destined for demolition might have a new lease on life, but another homeowner is upset about raccoons, chickens and a pig at adjacent properties. Packing town hall, several residents asked questions or raised concerns during Cambridge City’s Aug. 12 council meeting. Blight In other business
Demand grows for violence survivor assistance
It’s a September tradition in Wayne County to release butterflies and help a social service organization. The fourth annual Evening of Hope Butterfly Release on Thursday, Sept. 5, will benefit A Better Way, formerly known as Genesis. It takes place from 6-8:30 p.m. in Richmond Rose Garden in Glen Miller Park. Butterflies can be purchased […]
Centerville sees support for $50K grant
Centerville leaders are gathering residents’ support before applying for $50,000 to update plans guiding future decisions and growth. Before its Aug. 13 regular meeting, council conducted a public hearing to collect comments for its application to Indiana’s Office of Community and Rural Affairs. The town’s share for Lochmueller Group’s work would be $9,600. The town’s […]
Ideas, help sought for 2025 fair
Wayne County’s next 4-H fair is being planned for June 21-28, 2025. Organizers say they are always looking for ways to improve the fair and bring the best entertainment possible, although they have to work within a budget. Potential committee members or fair sponsors, or those who have suggestions about what they’d like to see, […]
Dad: New playground ‘a great asset’
With shouts, giggles and a frequently clanging bell, kids gleefully tried new playground equipment dedicated Thursday, Aug. 15, in East Germantown. It’s just a block north of U.S. 40, next to the Boys & Girls Club of Wayne County’s Wayne Bank Unit, 519 Queen St., and open to kids from across the county and beyond. […]
Town employee suggests ending water fluoridation
Cambridge City is considering eliminating the addition of fluoride when treating water, but Indiana dental and health experts urge council to reject the change. During council’s Aug. 12 meeting, town employee Chris Stapleton suggested removing fluoride. After a discussion, members decided to table the matter until their 6 p.m. Sept. 9 meeting at town hall, […]