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2nd-year conductor appreciates support

Changing up its schedule with Sunday afternoon and Saturday evening performances, Richmond Symphony Orchestra will offer seven concerts during the 2024-25 season.    Andrés Lopera returns for his second season as RSO’s music director and has planned a variety of music for youth and adults.  “I am incredibly thankful for the overwhelming support from the community […]

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School board discusses driver’s ed, cellphone policies

While reviewing policies during its Aug. 28 work session, Richmond Community Schools board members wondered if Richmond High School should start offering driver’s education. RCS teachers previously offered instruction during summer school, which some current board members took in the 1990s. An arrangement with The Link, a nonprofit Connersville driving school, ended recently, but members […]

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Centerville-Abington schools’ enrollment declines

Centerville-Abington Community Schools is now feeling the financial pinch of declining enrollment that some Wayne County districts have experienced in recent years. Indiana’s official student count date is in October, but Superintendent Mike McCoy prepared the board for unpleasant news at its Aug. 28 meeting. CACS has 1,675 students, compared to 1,728 in February. That […]

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Cheerleaders win at State Fair

Cheerleading squads stayed busy this summer to improve their skills, and one even earned a state championship. Northeastern Northeastern High School earned first place at the Indiana State Fair Cheerleading Competition in the Large Varsity Music category. Coach Chelsea Wine said the team competed in 87-degree weather with the sun shining bright onto the dirt […]