A Richmond Police Department assistant chief has been placed on a Wayne County list that challenges his credibility. The Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office maintains a Brady-Giglio list of law enforcement officers subject to evidence that could discredit their testimony in court. U.S. Supreme Court rulings in the Brady and Giglio cases require prosecutors to disclose […]

Author Archives: Mike Emery
Mike Emery is a reporter and layout editor for the Western Wayne News.
International tire scheme results in arrest of Richmond man
A Richmond man is accused of being the middle man in an international scheme that fraudulently bought and resold tires. Bulmaro Santiago-Julian, 47, of the 1800 block of North J Street is formally charged with Level 5 felony corrupt business influence and five counts of aiding, inducing or causing fraud — three as Level 6 […]
County considers donation to HELP the Animals
Wayne County’s commissioners plan to donate unspent American Rescue Plan Act money earmarked for animal welfare to the HELP the Animals shelter. A memorandum of understanding is being prepared for consideration during the commissioners’ Dec. 11 meeting. They will not meet Dec. 4 because of a conference. The county provided $50,000 in ARPA money to […]
Developers request zoning concessions at former E-B site
Even as the former Elder-Beerman building is torn down, developers have requested zoning exceptions from the city of Richmond for the apartments that will replace the former department store. Two petitions for developer Flaherty & Collins Properties and architect American Structurepoint are on the agenda for the Richmond Board of Zoning Appeals’ Dec. 18 meeting. […]
‘I think we’ll be OK’
When Connie Ropp learned she could go inside her Sweet Blessings bakery and bistro during hours that crews aren’t demolishing the neighboring former Elder-Beerman building, she asked one question: Could she bake? The answer was: There’s no reason why not. “That’s a game-changer,” she said. “You just made me a very happy woman.” Sweet Blessings […]
Health officer hopes to expand ‘safety net’
Working in the Reid Health emergency department, Dr. Jennifer Bales often treats patients when it’s too late to make a difference. By serving as Wayne County’s new health officer, Bales wants to impact residents’ health so she won’t see them at her day job. “If there’s an opportunity to help somebody before they need me […]
Council OKs building, planning fee increases
The city of Richmond is increasing fees related to building codes, planning and zoning, and the next round of increases will probably not take as long as this one. Dustin Purvis, the city’s planning director, said during Richmond Common Council’s Nov. 18 meeting that the building code fee schedule that involves building, electrical, mechanical and […]
Busier fairgrounds requires additional parking spaces
With improvements to First Bank Kuhlman Center and First Bank Expo Hall, Wayne County’s commissioners hope to draw more events — and more people — to the Wayne County Fairgrounds. Those people will often arrive in vehicles, increasing the need for parking around the fairgrounds’ showpiece buildings. During their Nov. 20 meeting, commissioners received a […]
County commits money to attract more money
Wayne County hopes to receive $3.98 million in state money from the Indiana Economic Development Corp.’s Regional Economic Acceleration Development Initiative 2.0 grants. To further those hopes, the county commissioners and council have committed to $2.98 million in match money. Wayne County Council members agreed during the Nov. 20 council/commissioners workshop to that commitment and […]
Ex-fire chief accused of misconduct in mental health leave case
A second federal lawsuit has been filed against the city of Richmond and former fire chief Jerry Purcell alleging retaliation, discrimination, harassment and defamation of firefighters taking medical leave for mental health disabilities caused by job duties. Chris O’Neil, a former assistant chief for Richmond Fire Department, filed the suit Nov. 14 in The U.S. […]