Director hopes for monthly RV visits in 4 county towns The Wayne County Health Department is a half-hour or longer drive away for some county residents, creating challenges for those wanting to use services the department provides. Christine Stinson, the department’s executive director, would like to take services to those residents. Stinson outlined five departmental […]

Author Archives: Mike Emery
Mike Emery is a reporter and layout editor for the Western Wayne News.
Richmond firefighter contract hangs on Common Council vote
Sides present arguments related to impasse, panel’s recommendations Ten months after negotiations began, Richmond Fire Department members do not have a 2023 contract. Richmond Common Council could approve one on Feb. 6, or the negotiating process could continue. Council must decide whether to accept or reject recommendations from a fact-finding panel enlisted to help resolve […]
County’s HELP participation picks up speed
With the start of 2023, Wayne County’s participation in the Hoosier Enduring Legacy Program has begun. Offered by the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs, the program helps participants plan effective spending of American Rescue Plan Act dollars. A group of county representatives participated in four days of HELP training last week in Connersville, […]
Snarls before smiles: Construction inconveniences will lead to wider I-70
State’s Revive I-70 project to begin during late 2024 in Wayne County The Indiana Department of Transportation envisions six lanes of free-flowing Interstate 70 traffic between the Ohio state line and Indianapolis. That vision, called Revive I-70, is still years away, but Wayne County construction should begin in late 2024. Starting at the state line, […]
Preservation Commission to decide fate of 4 old houses in Depot District
Demolition would clear way for 26,000-square-foot new building Bob Johnson will return to Richmond’s Historic Preservation Commission with updated drawings of a new, three-story mixed-use building. When he does, likely during the Feb. 13 meeting, commission members must choose between that new building and four vacant houses in varying states of neglect and disrepair. Johnson […]
Richmond mom requests tougher penalties for parole violators causing deaths
Driver in crash that killed her son faces Level 4, Level 5 felonies Christine Stinson was shattered June 17. Stinson’s son, Joseph “Evan” Dely, 31, died that day when his Jeep Wrangler was struck from behind while traveling Interstate 465 on Indianapolis’ southeast side toward the airport. He was catching a flight for a camping and hiking trip […]
Fairgrounds improvements aim to boost rental revenue
Sales and marketing job description sent to consultant The Wayne County Fairgrounds is a county asset that provides revenue, and county officials would like to take better advantage of that opportunity. With a concentrated effort to update, renovate and repair the fairgrounds, the county hopes it becomes more attractive for rentals that generate enough revenue […]
23 groups request shares of opioid settlement money
Wayne County would need three times its 2022 opioid settlement money to fill all the requests it has received. Applications for the county’s $411,000 initial share of the national settlement requested in excess of $1.2 million. Twenty-three not-for-profit entities filed applications by the Dec. 28 deadline. Wayne County will receive nearly $2 million through 2038 […]
Residents can help expand high-speed internet options
FCC’s challenge process impacts local broadband funding Wayne County residents have the opportunity to shape the county’s broadband future. The Federal Communications Commission has used broadband provider data to create a map listing broadband availability for addresses across the country. In a unique opportunity, the FCC is allowing residents to verify the availability listing for their […]
After 5 decades, new auditor returns to office
Hoelscher confident in transition despite slow start Mark Hoelscher last served Wayne County as auditor five decades ago. While the auditor’s core role — tracking the county’s finances and paying its bills — remains the same, computerization has changed how the work happens. Hoelscher, who has discussed his inexperience with computers, and his chief deputy […]