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County, city BZAs delay asphalt plant decisions

Highway projects inevitably hit delays. A Goshen-based construction company bidding for Interstate 70 work found delays on back-to-back nights last week while attempting to receive zoning variances for a temporary portable asphalt plant through 2028. Rieth-Riley Construction Company requested variances of use from Richmond to allow the plant at 450 W. Industries Road and from […]

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Centerville, Hagerstown join county’s Stellar Pathways application

Centerville and Hagerstown are joining other Wayne County communities in seeking Indiana’s Stellar Pathways funds.  Neither participated in the county’s Hoosier Enduring Legacy Program.  Forward Wayne County’s Acacia St. John and county Commissioner Jeff Plasterer shared Stellar’s potential benefits during Centerville’s April 9 council meeting. St. John then also appeared before commissioners April 10, requesting […]

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RP&L customers urged to manage accounts online

Richmond Power & Light customers are urged to use the SmartHub online tool to monitor and manage their accounts. General Manager Tony Foster explained the digital system during the RP&L board’s April 1 meeting. Richmond Common Council members comprise the RP&L board. Foster said that since the utility began using SmartHub in 2021, it mails […]

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Online vehicle auction proves success for county

Wayne County might have found a better way to rid itself of old, unwanted equipment. The county’s fleet management committee used a vehicle as a trial for an online auction, rather than waiting for an annual in-person auction. Steve Higinbotham, the county’s director of facilities and development, reported April 3 the trial was a success. […]

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Abington Township board removes fire chief

The Abington Township board removed James Ausmus as the township fire department’s chief with a 2-1 vote March 26. Township Trustee Steven Kaiser said that during a meeting with an attorney, a determination was made that Ausmus breached his contract with the township and misused funds when distributing stipends to department officers during January. Ausmus […]

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Commissioners support Make My Move continuation

Thirteen families have already moved to Wayne County through the Make My Move program. Another two have accepted the county’s relocation incentive offers and a third is considering an offer, despite the fact the Make My Move contract ended Jan. 31. Wayne County’s commissioners would like to see Make My Move continue at least for […]