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Council kills housing development plan 6-3

Cheers erupted from the audience after Richmond’s Common Council voted Monday night 6-3 against a proposed rezoning that was needed for a planned housing development to move forward. For close to three hours, attendees and council members spoke passionately about the issues raised by the Smith Hill Planned Unit Development. Those in favor of the […]

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Reid, Anthem reach contract agreement

Reid Health and Anthem insurance have reached an agreement that will allow the healthcare system’s providers to remain in-network for Anthem’s insurance coverage. Reid announced the agreement March 14 following months of negotiations and concern over whether the two entities would be able to find mutually acceptable terms on a contract that was last negotiated […]

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Reid, Anthem negotiations ongoing

It’s been a little over three weeks since tens of thousands of area Reid Health patients found out that Anthem health insurance may not cover their medical costs after March 17, and both organizations say negotiations are ongoing. In a Jan. 29 letter mailed to more than 44,000 recipients, Reid announced it had not yet […]

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44,000 Reid patients affected by insurance changes

Unless there’s a last-minute breakthrough in price negotiations with the Anthem health insurance company, Reid Health and its providers will soon be considered out-of-network for more than 44,000 area patients. The change would substantially increase out-of-pocket costs for anyone using an Anthem insurance product to cover services from Reid’s hospital, health system and physician network. […]

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Wernle to end its residential services

Facing declining demand and challenges in maintaining required staffing levels, Wernle Youth & Family Treatment Center in Richmond will no longer provide residential services as of February, according to a statement released on Sunday afternoon. The organization, which provides therapeutic services for youth aged 10 to 21 who have exhibited behavioral challenges, said it will […]

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Common Council speeds through light agenda

In a Nov. 20 meeting that lasted barely five minutes, Richmond Common Council covered the basics but deferred action on a potential designated outdoor refreshment area classification for the Depot District, under consideration since September. The group approved meeting minutes and accepted Anchor Transload LLC as a new taxpayer in the city’s main tax increment […]