All 22 Northeastern High School students who qualified for the national archery championship in Florida are planning to compete with their team. 

That means fundraising is now beginning in earnest for the June 6-8 event in Daytona Beach, Florida. 

Coach Brian Richmond said the team will learn its competition schedule this week and then can shop for low-cost transportation and lodging.

Richmond wants to raise enough money to cover flights, motels and registration fees for all students, which could be in the thousands of dollars.

He said flights appear at this time to be more affordable than renting charter buses or several vans, but price will determine whether they drive or fly. 

Most of the team members have never been on an airplane, Richmond said. He also hopes to include beach time in the trip to provide students with that experience as well.

Five students are planning to travel with their families, who have decided to turn the event into a vacation.

If any money remains after students’ expenses are paid, he’d like to help defray travel costs for coaches, who are taking their vacation time to help students. Richmond finds time to coach the archery team in addition to serving as pastor of Spartanburg Christian Church.   

Richmond said he was pleased with his team’s performance at last week’s practices and said they’re shooting really well.

How to help

Donations to help Northeastern High School compete at the National Archery in the Schools Program championship in Florida may be sent or delivered to the school, 7295 N. U.S. 27, Fountain City, IN 47341, with archery in the check’s memo. Coach Brian Richmond also is willing to collect donations and can be contacted at 765-960-5296. 

Those who want to support the team by ordering gear such as flashlights, headlamps and lanterns can do so at Half of the purchase price will go to NHS. The company ships items directly to customers.  

School staff will oversee trip donations and divide them for the students’ costs.  

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A version of this article appeared in the May 22 2024 print edition of the Western Wayne News.

Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.