Potential savings and funding cuts, a wheelchair swing, technology updates and child hunger were among topics discussed by Nettle Creek School Corp. trustees during their Feb. 12 meeting.

WWN has summarized unofficial minutes provided by Superintendent Emily Schaeffer.

Elizabeth Bryant
  • Funding: Board member Sandi Schraub encouraged reading about Indiana Senate Bill 1, which could cut property taxes or slow increases. She said schools, fire, police, town government and other services would be affected. Those concerned about SB1’s impact need to reach out to state legislators regarding proposed changes, she said.
  • Preschool: Director of Learning Elizabeth Bryant said the district’s Discovery Preschool completed Indiana’s Paths to Quality inspection. It remains a Level 3, which allows families to apply for state vouchers. Preschool coordinator Andra Solis and her team were commended for preparing kids for kindergarten. Solis and Bryant are examining requirements for Level 4 national accreditation.
  • Diplomas: Some NCSC employees attended a discussion at New Castle Career Center about new Indiana diploma guidelines. Josh Hallatt, high school principal, said some questions were answered so scheduling can move forward.
  • Swing: Board President Shaun Lieberman said Hagerstown’s park board received money a few years ago for a wheelchair swing. Park board members weren’t sure the park would be the best place for it. Lieberman asked if the park board could transfer the donation to the school. Schaeffer was enthusiastic about the opportunity.
  • Technology: New Wi-fi equipment bids are being sought. NCSC is 70% E-rate, so it won’t pay the entire cost. Administrators say the schools are due to refresh student devices, so students are testing some.
  • Cost savings: Cintas continues to install items that assist the district’s custodians in being more efficient. NCSC is removing hand dryers from high school restrooms and replacing them with paper towel dispensers. Maintenance employees replaced the compressor for the pool’s drain bladder. Keeping the pool from draining when power is lost has saved money.
  • Hunger: Schaeffer said 154 weekend food backpacks went home since October, and she’s grateful that community members continue to give food for weekends and breaks. The baseball team’s recent donation helps fill the gaps each week for items including bread.
  • Student involvement: Hallatt took some juniors to IU Indy for a leadership summit. They made a list of legacy projects for their school and community.
  • Busing: Drivers attended training to review an updated handbook addressing expectations. A new bus was delivered Feb. 12.
  • Policies: The board approved nine policies after second reading on topics such as anti-harassment/non-discrimination; nepotism, conflicts of interest, gifts and use of corporation resources; firearms/weapons/destructive devices; reporting suspected child abuse/neglect; responsible technology use; wireless communication devices; admission to district (legal settlement); homeless students; and school library material removal list.

First readings were conducted for policies on topics including civility/decorum; board authority/ philosophy, leadership/support, member ethics, meetings, superintendent evaluation, board/superintendent relationship, student records, questioning of students and medical supplies. They could be approved at the board’s next meeting at 6:30 p.m. March 12 in Hagerstown Elementary’s LGI Room.


  • Hires: Jessica Swimm, Peyton Meyer and Shea Ziegler, on-call sub teachers; Lola Ullery, daycare assistant; Kathleen Yontz, HJSHS instructional assistant; Wes Snedigar, HES permanent sub
  • Transfers: Sarah Cross from HJSHS instructional assistant to on-call sub
  • Departures: Morgan Stockberger, HES instructional assistant; Alyssa Evans and Diamond Taylor, preschool/daycare assistant
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A version of this article will appear in the February 26 2025 print edition of the Western Wayne News.

Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.