Wayne County will send a big delegation — at least 150 students — who’ve qualified for state competition with Business Professionals of America.
After Northeastern added a chapter this year, each public high school in the county sent students to compete at BPA’s regional contest in December.
Their skills range from personal financial management to graphic design, computer security and broadcast news production.
Several local students finished first in their categories at regionals.
Now, students and advisers are hopeful they’ll have a successful year at March’s state leadership conference in Indianapolis.
Although a few teams are still awaiting their final results, Lincoln currently has the county’s largest group of state qualifiers with 47.
Local chapters are optimistic that many of those competitors will qualify for nationals on May 7-11 in Orlando, Florida.
That optimism is realistic, because many local students have competed at BPA nationals in recent years and were elected to state leadership offices.
As teens return from their winter breaks, they’ll begin fundraising for community contributions of any amount to help offset travel expenses to the state and national contests.
The national BPA organization estimates the Florida journey costs about $1,500 per student.
Donations can be sent directly to local schools, noting the gift is for BPA.

Centerville’s BPA chapter continues growing and sending more students to state competition. This year, 44 of its 55 registered members are advancing to state.
Fourteen won first place at regionals.
In addition, two CSHS teams are awaiting their final results for podcasts and visual design. They expect to learn their fate by mid-January.
Adviser Bonita Klein said she’s proud of the students’ hard work and the chapter’s “explosion” of membership this year.
Since starting four years ago, the chapter has grown from 11 members.
“Students are understanding the impact that BPA can have on their futures,” Klein said.

Hagerstown is sending four students to state competition.
Mark Linderman, who is now the chapter’s adviser, said he’s extremely proud of his students’ “willingness to go above and beyond in getting a foothold to becoming young professionals.”
“While our team is small, it is my hope to gain traction with the younger grade levels and increase our presence and footprint in our regional BPA,” Linderman said. “I see nothing but a bright future with our student body and their participation in the Business Professionals of America.”

Forty-seven Golden Eagles qualified for state, and 25 students qualified in both of their events, said adviser Garrett Singer.
In January, LHS will find out if its podcast production, visual design and website design teams qualified for state. That could push its numbers to 51 students advancing.
A photo for Northeastern’s BPA team was not available as of press time.
The Knights just started a chapter this year. Tyler Hostetler said they were fortunate to recruit 17 members, and 13 of them qualified for state.
“Every one of our members worked very hard to prepare for each of their competitions, despite them not knowing what to expect on competition day,” Hostetler said. “We are very proud of every member for stepping into the unknown, working hard, and many advancing to the state level in our inaugural year.”

RHS had 17 first-place awards and 13 second-place awards, adviser Denise Selm noted. Forty-two Red Devils qualified for state.
“This is the highest number of qualifying students RHS has achieved since the inception of our chapter in 2001,” Selm said.
Wayne County’s Business Professionals of America regional conference results
Competitive events:
- Fundamental Accounting: Hannah Bogue 1st
- Payroll Accounting: Chevelle Rose 3rd, Bella Gilpin 8th
- Advanced Accounting: Ben Bates 1st
- Personal Financial Management: Evan Stuckey 6th, Jack Patton 7th, Noah Patterson 10th
- Economic Research Team: 1st Grace Briar, Wyatt Patterson
- Fundamental Word: Zaylee Wilson 4th, Cheyanne Junco 5th, Abby Myers 6th, Charlotte Holcomb 7th, Kari Pollitt 8th
- Intermediate Word: Izzy Gross 4th, Rebecca Harmer, Sam Bogue 8th, Mia Cansler 9th
- Advanced Word: Samanatha Bell 1st, Luke Cottrell 2nd, Jamey Ramsey 5th
- Basic Office Systems & Procedures: Izzy Gross 1st, Zaylee Wilson 3rd, Reilynn Ferguson 5th
- Advanced Office Systems & Procedures: Gracie Gambill 1st, Tahlia Rastbichler 2nd
- Fundamental Spreadsheet: Ben Bates 2nd, Abby Myers 6thAdvanced Spreadsheet: Bear Ervin 1st, Rebecca Harmer 4th
- Integrated Office Applications: Grace Briar 1st, Bear Ervin 4th, Payden Robinson 6th
- Database Applications: Sam Bogue 1st, Paige Pitcock 2nd, Grace Smith 3rd, Payden Robinson 4th
- Legal Office Procedures: Gracie Gambill 2nd, Bella Gilpin 3rd, Serenity Steiner 6th
- Business Law & Ethics: Leo Russell 1st, Madi Short 3rd, Lili Griffey 7th
- Administrative Support Research Project: Samantha Bell 3rd
- Computer Network Technology: Gage Sherwood 2nd, Jack Patton 3rd
- Device Configuration & Troubleshooting: Josiah Berry 3rd, Noah Patterson 7th, Braxton Dick 8th
- Computer Security: Madi Short 6th
- Python Programming: Karson Ulerick 1st
- SQL Database Fundamentals: Jacob Myers 2nd, Evan Stuckey 3rd
- Advanced Desktop Publishing: Chevelle Rose 2nd
- Graphic Design Promotion: Gunnar Newton 1st
- Broadcast News Production Team: 1st – Daniel Bogue, Ryne Sturgis, Braxton Dick, Josiah Berry
- Interview Skills: Bailey Keen 7th
- Human Resource Management: Ryne Sturgis 5th
- Prepared Speech: Paige Robinson 3rd, Ashby Jones 4th, Cheyanne Junco 9th
- Parliamentary Procedure Team: 1st – Paige Robinson, Luke Cottrell, Jacob Myers, Braydon Munchel, Ashby Jones, Leo Russell, Lili Griffey
- Presentation Individual: Bailey Keen 3rd
- Medical Coding & Billing: Reilynn Ferguson 3rd, Tahlia Rastbichler 4th
- Health Insurance & Medical Billing: Jamey Ramsey 1st, Keilyn Sherwood 2nd, Maddie Goulding 7th, Alyssa Waddell 8th
- Health Administration & Procedures: Madi Cameron 9th
- Health Research Presentation: Owynn Osborne 8th
Straight to State Judged Competitions:
- Computer Animation Team: Sophia Losekamp, Owynn Osborne, Madison Cameron
Open Events:
- Financial Math & Analysis Concepts: Braxton Dick 2nd, Jamey Ramsey 5th, Gracie Gambill 6th, Noah Patterson 7th, Chevelle Rose 10th
- Information Technology Concepts: Karson Ulerick 1st, Josiah Berry 4th, Cheyanne Junco 6th
- Administrative Support Concepts: Gracie Gambill 1st, Hannah Bogue 3rd, Tahlia Rastbichler 6th
- Computer Programming Concepts: Karson Ulerick 1st, Keilyn Sherwood 6th, Charlotte Holcomb 7th, Bailey Keen 9th, Ben Bates 10th
- Digital Marketing Concepts: Madi Short 3rd, Josiah Berry 5th, Rebecca Harmer 7th, Samantha Bell 8th, Chevelle Rose 9th, Payden Robinson 10th
- Management, Marketing & Human Resource Concepts: Charlotte Holcomb 2nd, Madi Short 3rd, Samantha Bell 5th, Cheyanne Junco 8th
- Meeting and Event Planning Concepts: Chevelle Rose 1st, Samantha Bell 3rd, Cheyanne Junco 5th, Madi Short 7th, Grace Briar 8th
- Parliamentary Procedure Concepts: Jacob Myers 1st, Luke Cottrell 2nd, Paige Robinson 5th, Lili Griffey 6th
- Health Admin: Jamey Ramsey 10th
- Digital Communication & Design Concepts: Gracie Gambill 4th, Josiah Berry 6th, Madi Short 7th
- Julian Amyx, Computer Network Technology, 3; Computer Security 1
- Luke Bane, Computer Network Technology, 7; Computer Security 7
- Tori Beatty, Presentation Individual, 2
- Lilah Bellew, Digital Media Production, 3
- Ashton Brandt, Extemporaneous Speech, 2
- Owen Burdette, Fundamental Accounting, 5
- Addie Butler, Small Business Management, 2
- Reagan Cauley, Medical Coding 1; Health Administration Procedures, 3
- Ellie Cox, Admin Support Research Project, 1
- Josephine Daniel, Advanced Interview Skills, 3
- Savannah Davis, Health Insurance & Medical Billing, 4
- Zachary DeHoff, Adv Office Systems and Procedures 5
- Joshua Eliason, Human Resource Management, 4; Fundamental Spreadsheet App, 7
- Conner Frazier, Fundamental Accounting, 3
- Chloe Goodman, Banking and Finance, 7
- Myleigh Hartman, Fundamental Word Processing, 1; Fundamental Spreadsheet App, 1
- Baylei Hughes, Banking and Finance, 4
- Makensy Isaacs, Health Administration Procedures, 1; Health Insurance & Medical Billing, 3
- Grayson Jarvis, Network Administration Using Cisco, 1
- Adanech Jarvis, Digital Media Production, 2
- Emma Jones, Fundamental Accounting 5; Small Business Management, 2
- Tasha Jordan, Fundamental Word Processing, 2
- Claire Kaucher, Adv Office Systems and Procedures, 3; Adv Word Processing, 4
- Landyn Keiser, Fundamental Accounting, 4
- Olivia Livesay, Advanced Word Processing, 7; Basic Office Systems and Procedures, 4
- Ilan McKinney, Fundamental Spreadsheet App, 5
- Cameron Medvegy, Business Law & Ethics, 4; Legal Office Procedures, 4
- Sawyer Murray, Banking and Finance, 5
- Davis Pentecost, Banking and Finance, 1
- Andy Purcell, Legal Office Procedures, 1
- Madison Rowe, Fundamental Accounting, 2; Integrated Office Applications, 6
- Ruby Snyder, Intermediate Word Processing, 2
- Sophia Soper, Intermediate Word Processing, 7
- Gavin Straszheim, Human Resource Management, 1
- Dakota Torbeck, Adv Office Systems and Procedures, 4
- Claire Tressler, Medical Coding, 7
- Eli Walther, Integrated Office, 7; Banking and Finance, 2
- Nick Whipple, Broadcast News Team 2; Basic Office Systems and Procedures, 2
- Jocelynn Willett, Integrated Office, 2
- 1st Place Administrative Support Team: Ellie Cox, Josephine Daniel, Ruby Snyder, Jocelynn Willett
- 2nd Place Broadcast News Team: Tori Beatty, Nick Whipple, Gavin Straszheim, Ilan McKinney
- 2nd Place Parliamentary Procedure Team: Savannah Davis, Tasha Jordan, Sophia Soper, Hudson Todd, Andy Purcell, Grayson Jarvis, Addie Talbot
- 2nd Place Small Business Management: Emma Jones, Addie Butler, Chanel Coffey
- 1st Place Financial Analyst Team: Owen Burdette, Landyn Keiser
- 3rd Place Global Marketing Team: Claire Tressler, Caleigh Campbell, Victoria Pullon
- 2nd Place Presentation Team: Davis Pentecost, Sawyer Murray
- Zoe Meek, fifth in Legal Office Procedures; sixth in Business Law & Ethics. She will advance to the state competition in both categories. Also received open competition medals in Parliamentary Procedures and Digital Media Production.
- Hazard Houghton, fifth in Health Research Presentation.
- Even though Networking Design Team didn’t participate in the regional contest, Hazard Houghton, Orion Houghton and Cole Mitchell will all advance to state.
- Payroll Accounting: Caleb Larsh 4th, Madelyn Green 6th, Carson Abney 10th
- Economic Research Team – 2nd: Carson Abney, Lucas Chamness, Caleb Larsh
- Administrative Support Team – 2nd: Madelyn Green, Lauren Lacey, Gabriella Smith, Cailene Webster
- Business Law & Ethics: Willow Warren 5th
- Device Configuration & Troubleshooting: Jesse West 5th
- Python Programming: Michael Hunter 2nd
- Graphic Design: Lillian Jacot 2nd, Nicolas Markward 6th
- Entrepreneurship: Gabriella Smith 3rd
- Interview Skills: Lillian Jacot 2nd, Lauren Lacey 8th
- Extemporaneous Speech: Willow Warren 3rd, John Wallace 4th, Ayden Williams 6th
- Health Insurance and Medical Billing: Jenna Buckler 5th
- Computer Programming Concepts – Open: Michael Hunter 5th
- Information Technology Concepts – Open: Carson Abney 8th
- Meeting and Event Planning Concepts – Open: Madelyn Green 2nd, Lauren Lacey 9th
- Project Management Concepts – Open: John Wallace 6th, Lucas Chamness 7th, Carson Abney 9th
- Financial Math & Analysis: Jacob George 3rd, Greyson Farmer 4th
- Computer Programming Concepts: Fred Mendenhall 2nd, Owen Peters 4th
- Information Technology Concepts: Carson Knight 2nd, Gavin Mitchell 3rd, Owen Peters 5th
- Digital Communication Design: Cain Smith 3rd, Jaden Jepson 10th
- Management, Marketing & HR Concepts: Cooper Smith 5th
- Business Meeting & Event Planning Sydney VanDervort 7th
- Digital Marketing Concepts: Fred Mendenhall 2nd, Owen Peters 6th
- Project Management Concepts: Lucy Couch 2nd
- Health Administration Concepts: Avery Vandervort 5th, Ashlee Grieswell 7th
- Economic Research Individual: Jacob George 1st, Cooper Smith 2nd
- Presentation Individual: Hannah Stearley 1st
- Fundamental Spreadsheet: Khush Patel 8th
- Advanced Spreadsheet: Fred Mendenhall 3rd
- Payroll Accounting: Kamara Alexander 2nd
- Personal Finance Management: Chase Holle 1st, Xavier Ogle 3rd, Josh Gilbert 8th
- Fundamentals of Web Design: Owen Peters 1st, Weston Jones 3rd
- Medical Coding: Yuvraj Prajapati 2nd, Pushkar Mishra 5th, Ashlee Grieswell 6th, James Scherer 9th
- Java Programming: Remy Luangsingotha 1st
- Interview Skills: Sydney VanDervort 1st, Kiarra Handley 4th
- Advanced Interview Skills: Gabrielle Demotte 2nd
- Computer Security: Carsyn Knight 4th, Cain Smith 5th
- Graphic Design Promotion: Mason Wetzel 3rd, Nathan Ferrell 5th
- Digital Media Production: Emily Hawkins 1st
- Extemporaneous Speech: Lucy Couch 1st
- Ethics and Professionalism: Alice Couch 1st, Chason Thurston-Perkins 3rd
- Business Law and Ethics: Jaden Jepson 2nd
- Administrative Support Research: Hannah Stearley 2nd, Emma French 4th, Katie Phillips 6th
- PC Servicing and Troubleshooting: Gavin Mitchell 1st, Cain Smith 2nd, Ranbir Singh 4th
- Prepared Speech: Bryce Cordova 1st, Bailey Shinn 5th
- Human Resources Management: Masson Heiny 3rd, Katie Phillips 6th
- Intermediate Word Processing: Chason Thurston-Perkins 3rd
- Integrated Office Applications: Kaeden Daniels 3rd
- SQL Database: Fred Mendenhall 1st
- Presentation Team: Gavin Mitchell, Baltazar Torres, Jude Lakamp, Cooper Smith, 1st
- Advanced Desktop Publishing: Kiarra Handley 1st, Kaeden Daniels 3rd
- Fundamental Desktop Publishing: Bailey Shinn 2nd, Greyson Farmer 3rd, Brayden Haller 5th
- Entrepreneurship: Emma French 2nd
- Health Administration Procedures: Ashlee Grieswell 5th, Kamara Alexander 6th
- Health Research Presentation: Avery VanDervort 1st, Pushkar Mishra 4th
- Video Production Team: Emily Hawkins, Carsyn Knight 1st
- Global Marketing Team: Jacob George, Greyson Farmer, Bryce Cordova 2nd
- Small Business Management Team: Ali Acosta, Sydney VanDervort, Mason Wetzel, Lauren Howard 1st
- Podcast Production Team: Logan Priest, Josh Gilbert, Brayden Haller, Chase Holle
- Visual Design Team: Nathan Ferrell, Masson Heiny, Brodie Morken, Jaden Jepson
- Computer Modeling: Ali Acosta and Owen Peters
- User Experience Design Team: Avery VanDervort, Lucy Couch, Alice Couch, Gabrielle Demotte
- Computer Animation Team: Ranbir Singh, Khush Patel, Remy Luangsingotha, Yuvraj Prajapati
A version of this article appeared in the January 1 2025 print edition of the Western Wayne News.