Hagerstown cheerleaders perform during the 2023 Jubilee Days parade. File photo by Bob Hansen

Several Hagerstown area residents have stepped up to offer a modified Jubilee Days after a service organization told the town’s council it could no longer continue offering the festival.

Within a few days of Hagerstown’s May meeting, Jeremy Jennings posted on social media that he, Hagerstown councilor Fred Dill, Jason Schmittler, Roy Byrd, Darrin Blevins and a handful of others have decided to take on the challenge.

Jennings said they are planning Jubilee weekend for Aug. 2-3, which is before school begins. The festival traditionally offered in mid-August faces competition for attendance now that Wayne County schools are already open and offering activities. 

Many Hagerstown High School class reunions take place during Jubilee Days. Jennings said they hope those gatherings can be rescheduled if possible, but they understand those plans might be unmovable at this date. 

The group’s main goals are to offer a parade and children’s activities on Saturday and a food truck/vendor area. Ron De Voo/Hagerstown Package has offered to help with expenses. Bands will provide live music during the VOOBILEE party on Saturday day/evening.  

Jennings said the volunteers don’t plan to take over the event but to “test new waters” and keep it alive until a committee would form to plan future events.

“If you see Robin or Ed Nugent and family or any current or former Lions Club member, remember to thank them,” Jennings wrote. “Without their many years of dedication Jubilee would have been history years ago.”

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A version of this article appeared in the May 22 2024 print edition of the Western Wayne News.

Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.