Three extracurricular resignations approved by the Western Wayne School board last week brought the total number of staff resignations this school year to 23, similar to numbers in previous years.
Before the April 12 board meeting, Superintendent Andy Stover had responded to questions from Western Wayne News about staff resignations.
In a March 29 email, Stover reported, “From the beginning of the 2022 school year until present, Western Wayne has received 20 resignations, 6 of which are from certified employees. During the 2021-2022 school year, there were 21 resignations, 5 of which were from certified employees. During the 2020-2021 school year, there were 30 resignations, 10 of which were from certified employees. During the 2019-2020 school year, there were 12 resignations, 5 of which were from certified employees. Lastly, during the 2018-2019 school year, there were 15 resignations, 7 of which were from certified.”
The term “certified employees” refers to teachers and other licensed educators.
Also during the meeting, Principal Elizabeth Miller said 43 children are already signed up for next fall’s kindergarten class at Western Wayne Elementary School. She said 30 families attended a recent kindergarten roundup at the school. Other pupils have signed up from the district’s preschool program. She is pleased with these results and hopes more children will be signed up before school is dismissed for the summer.
She also reported that 92% of third graders passed the recent IREAD test. IREAD, the Indiana Reading Evaluation and Determination, is used to measure foundational reading skills of third graders. Using state guidelines, schools use it to determine what kind of remediation will most help children. Second graders also are tested; those who pass don’t have to take it in third grade, Miller said.
Stover reported on progress being made toward reaching some of the goals set out in the strategic plan adopted in March. He plans updates to the board and public on a regular basis.
Miller and Lincoln Middle/High School Principal Renee Lakes also named students of the month for March.

At WWES, they include Oliver Hancock in kindergarten; Penelope Auguiano, first grade; Joslynn Runyon, second grade; Kynlee Marker, third grade; Kinley Painter, fourth grade; and Quentin Lucas, fifth grade.

At LMHS, they are Mattie Glover, sixth grade; Kendra Flores Calderon, Carter Russell and Karson Ulerick, seventh grade; Princess Maddagan and Owynn Osborne, eighth grade; Janalynn Vosmeier, ninth grade; Margan Gambill, 10th grade; and Neveah Wharton, 11th grade.
Resignations approved by the board included Casey Jennings as high school assistant wrestling coach and middle school head wrestling coach, and Scott Griffin, varsity softball coach.
The board also approved the following coaching recommendations: Austin Wampler, middle school girls track coach; Ben Hogan, middle school volunteer golf coach; and Caleb Craig and Camryn Craig, middle school volunteer track coaches.
The board has scheduled a work session at 1 p.m. Thursday, April 27, in the boardroom at the administration building, 519 E. Queen St., Pershing. While it is open to the public, boards usually do not plan to take any actions during a work session.
The board’s next regular meeting has been delayed one week, to 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 17, in Room 80 at LMHS, 205 E. Parkway Drive, Cambridge City. The public may attend.
A version of this article appeared in the April 19 2023 print edition of the Western Wayne News.